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Kylie's Blog




December 9, 2008

Today, in my school, we had a nice speech. 
The speaker is  陳寶國. He is a nice and kind man.
He taught me some important things.
If you want to make a success, you have to have a good personality. 

So he talked to us how to become the kind of person.
Because people doesn't decide her good grades or ability.
In fact, personality is more important than them.
Do you agree with him or not?

In our country, many teenagers have many different ideas or opinions. 

Just like "As long as I like, having what can't."
It's not a good personality.
Many we have to think over our education. 

07:30 AM Dec 13 2008



TO :  Yuki

I understand what you say. It's intensely interesting.

Your teacher is right. In some occupations, hospitality is very important for everybody, especially work at hotel.

Yes, I agree with you. We could learn personality form our friends. Friends just like our teachers. They can teach you very important things in your life. They are good teachers.

Always try to do their best is a good person.

11:34 PM Dec 12 2008

Yuki P'UNK

That's interesting!!! I agree with him that personality is important to succeed. My teacher in Japan told me a similar thing.

She thinks hospitality is important. At that time, she told about job, especially flight attendants and workers at hotels because many classmates want to get that kind of job. If workers have a hospitality, they will understand what customers od passengers will want them to do, and they feel good.

Is it clear that what I wrote? If not, I'm sorry.

I think it's possible to learn it between friends. What do you think??? By the way, I like people who always try to do their best!!!:D

December 6, 2008

Last night, I felt embarrassed.

But now ,I have to describe a story about me befor tell you a embarrassing thing.

Last Wed, I went to see a dentist. One of my teeth grew not straight. The tooth is a wisdom tooth. So I had to pull the tooth out.

When I entered the Dental Clinic. I felt very nervous. Because I'm scared to see a dentist. I just lay down on the operating table. I'm nervous that I couldn't say anything.

When the tooth was pulled  out, I felt relax.Later I went back home to rest. After that, I couldn't to eat hot food one week.

Last night, I went to  see a dentist. Because I had to take out stitches. But I forgot to take enough money.It's just only pay NT 30, but I just have only NT 25.Although the dentist is very nice. He didn't let me to pay the money. The thing let me feel embarrassed.

I make a conclusion. If you want to see a doctor, you will have to take enough money.

08:53 AM Dec 08 2008




In fact, the dental clinic is near my house. 
At that time, I wanted to call my mother, but the dentist say "It's too cold outside. Don't call your mother come here." So I didn't call my mother. Maybe I should call my mother.

12:39 AM Dec 08 2008

Yuki P'UNK

I understand your feeling because I have had such an experience!! When I went to a hospital, I didn't have enough money to pay. However, fortunately, it was near my house. So I called my mother, and she came there to pay money for me!!

10:04 PM Dec 06 2008



Ya~ I don't like the smell of the Dental Clinic. 

Centainty, It's a embarrassing thing. I don't like the feeling if I don't have any money outside.

02:00 PM Dec 06 2008


Syrian Arab Republic


me 2 i dont like  dintests.

I ve faced such athing but no money at all

i forgot my money at home.Money mouthYell

December 3, 2008

Now is winter, but the weather is very hot. It's a strange day.


Today I had a sport's class. I played ping-pong with my classmate.

And we had a contest with her. First time, I lost the contest.

Second time I won. So we had  more one contest. 

Eventually,I won this contest. I feel very happy.


Tonight, my friends invited me to go to supermarket.

I bought some soup. This is my first time to go there.

Because It just opened on Nov 28.


Finally, I wrote English e-mail to my new friend Yuki.

She is a Japanese people. I hope she can teach me Japanese language.


If you want to make friend with me. Please send a message to me. 

09:52 PM Dec 06 2008



Thank you, Yuki. Finally, I won the game.

I'm happy to write letter to you. 

12:14 AM Dec 06 2008

Yuki P'UNK

Thank you for writing about me! Of course, I can teach you Japanese!;)

Did you win ping-pong? Good job!!

05:07 PM Dec 03 2008



I live in Yunlin. The weather is hot. But it's my opinion. Because I wore short T-shirt in the noon.

09:12 AM Dec 03 2008



Yesterday was warmer than two days ago, but i don't think it was hot.I live in Tainan County. Where do you live, Kylie?