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In one of our articles that giving away promotional products is a great way to give your business branding exposure and maintain your name before potential and past customers. It is no secret that people are awed by freebies. whether they feel like they need it or not, a person is likely to be enticed by a freebie given to them. While it may appear to be a waste of money to hand out freebies like mugs and pen pens that have personalized notes, it could actually be an effective opportunity to boost sales. Here are 3 benefits to offering promotional items to customers. It's better to get more than you'll lose. Studies have shown that people actually prefer getting more from something rather than discounts. Based on a study that was published in Journal of Marketing, people prefer to receive more rather than getting a discount. This means that people may view the freebie as an opportunity to gain while interpreting a discount as just an increase in the amount paid out of pocket, so even though it doesn't appear to be economically feasible, we would rather gain than gain than. Giving A Free Gift With Purchase Increases Sales The same journal published studies that showed that sales were higher when a freebie was provided when purchasing a product regardless of whether it was specified what the gift was. Retailers are able to give small gifts as long as they are not specific. This is due to the fact that our feelings often influence our purchase choices. Click over here now to get a full article about free stuff. People will return the favor Take a look back at the last time that you attended a dinner party. Did you bring wine or flowers as a gift to the host? Remember the previous time you attended an evening party. Your guests may have gave you a present as a thank you gift and as a thank you gift. This is also true to customers who donate product samples. A study by Gardner (2005) discovered that feeling obliged to return the favor "can happen despite the fact that we might not have ever asked for the favor in the first instance". After your client has experienced your brand and has a positive experience, they will likely feel more obligated to purchase more than they received. Another example of reciprocity would be when you're in the supermarket and you see a stand handing out free food samples - you try one, and later you are compelled to buy an entire size of whatever it is. The three benefits listed above show that when your customers receive the gift of freebies and they respond in surprising and often unconscious ways. Your company is "thanked" for its generosity , and will see an the number of customs will increase.





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