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English Talk

Let's write a story




Inspired by Vocabulary game, but better.

I will write a 3to7-words sentence and you will write the next one.

Let's start.

I was walking on the street…

03:48 PM Jul 19 2010 |

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and they decide to take you and training you to do it, because you have

corage and be strong

10:14 PM Jul 19 2010 |



Hello guys,I think we're making no coherence,we need to talk about one topic ok,in fact I was already started writing my new short story "Visions" and I would like to share it here to try to find some good plot,and I started like this:



In a bitter moonless night,along the highway Nevada to California,Duncan Weisley the owner of a successful trading company drove his car along madly for not to miss his little son’s birthday party for the third time,because he knew that will break his only son’s little heart.He kept accelerating overtaking all sorts of vehicls not carring of his crazy speed and the horns from the other highway takers.He knew he would arrive at a late hour,but for him to arrive late is better than don’t arrive at all.

 It was ten thirty o’clock,and there still for him around two hundred kilometers that if he sped a little more he would arrive in a good time,but for his bad,the sky overclouded and started raining heavily,and the vision grew worse as the ground became wet and slippery,yet he did not slow down just when he observed that the wheels aren’t stable and the car has changed its direction but it was too late to fix that for he was already out of the trail and with that speed the car flew in the air turning over and fell violently against the rocks on its back.

Three days later Duncan woke up,but all he could see was darkness.He moved his hands towards his face and felt the bandage upon his eyes,and he murmured “where am I ?”

        “Oh thanks god Duncan you woke up,I’ll call you the Doctor” said his frightened wife who sat up the night beside him

Instantly the Doctor and two nurses were there

   “Doctor,what happened to me ?” asked Duncan

   “Don’t worry Mr Weisley” answered the Doctor “you were lucky.The collision was terrible and the flying glass badly injured your eyes and cut the cornea,but we could manage to plant you another one from another person it’s a new technology but it’s becoming more successful day by day,you’ll have you sight back within two days”

“where is Anthony is he alright ?”asked Duncan

“ Yes honey he’s at school ” answered his wife “I did not tell him of what happened to you,I just told him that you were very busy that you could not come” 

Duncan could not help it and he burst weeping and all his body started shrugging “ I’m sorry,I’m so sorry ”

“No…no,Don’t say that,you’re a good father”said his wife softly taking his hand and putting it to her cheek “soon you’ll recover and everything will be alright” ...

Now,who's gonna give some creative complement to this ????

12:25 AM Jul 20 2010 |



Viet Nam

and rethink ,creat or rebuild

04:23 AM Jul 20 2010 |



go, kill youar self you stupid woman… go, i have not much time for you – he said… 

09:30 PM Jul 20 2010 |



Oh no xD she's his wife,he can't say that to his wife

10:56 PM Jul 20 2010 |




that day he stayed in bed thinking of his life…

02:19 PM Jul 21 2010 |




when he finally remembered of his big love…

09:10 PM Jul 22 2010 |



Hey guys,do you know how I thought the story would be,It'S HORROR,how ?

Mr Duncan will start seeing illusions and very scarry things,he even can see the souls of others whether good or bad and read their thoughts,and that all cause of the Cornea that the Doctor planted in his eyes,because it was for a dead man who used to be an oracle,he will figuer that out later…


So;shall we start

12:45 AM Jul 23 2010 |