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Free love




What do you think about free love? Tell your opinion
(for those who don’t understand the term – search in wikipedia)

01:57 PM May 04 2009 |

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Ryo you said:if we do all what our mother and father do we will became stupid..now actually…that is an answer..a personal unswer…
Another:i do not measure something that was true or fault from the religion…hey…that is actually another answer…
If we want to separate this worlds from the fact that we came from a family institutions and we cannot deal with some accusations…i am afraid i didn’t got the unswer to suit your imaginations…coz everything is happen for a reason…for me its everybodys choice..others is luck..

02:10 AM May 09 2009 |




Nowadays, thats very common..

All we need to think is that are we responsible enough for the obligation that might come up after this event?

Let's think not only for ourselves but also for the others most importantly the fruit of that action… 

There's a lot of consequences that will occur.. be sure that we have a solution for it, so that no one will suffer at the end. 

04:31 AM May 09 2009 |




Do u mean .free love before marriage ?

ofc its great .. when u have bf/gf in age 15-18  and u dont marry .. u can love other ppl.. and sometimes when u have bf/gf in 16 years old.. then u will mary with him/her..

but ofc more ppl have some bf/gf in their life.

my bf is first .. eariler were only meeting.kiss etc.. not real relationship :)and i dont wanna have other boy :P


u can live with him/her before marriage.. its normal.. ofc only in christians ;)

02:06 PM May 09 2009 |




I think free love is the way of life between lovers。Every one is not to restrain each other,at least release some place for the other(he or she) ,simply speaking,one should respect the other one's private

02:04 AM May 10 2009 |



I think your topic touches  the character of marriage bondage.Well,in my opinion,if such kind of relationship is under mutual consent and satisfaction,it's really a good way to live.You know,the "marriage" is not  a ceremony or certification.The true marriage is based on bilateral commitment and feeling of love.Even though they don't get married,where there is true love,where there is happy life.Screw the marriage


12:35 PM May 10 2009 |




If i have guts and willing to do something…i will defence merriage as an institutions,but if i have no guts and cannot do anythings…there's still something i really should save " the story of a little child" and start with him/her..we should ask ourself…did our hands have to do with the colapse of merriage institution??


 ...and i want to ask everybody…what sound it will be for a music instruments if there is "no string attached??"

01:59 PM May 10 2009 |




Nothing is free…and love is the most expensive thing
bool. The End !

03:56 PM Aug 22 2009 |