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Homosexual marriages legalized in Australia




Under the new laws, gay couples will be able to hold a legally recognised civil union ceremony in front of friends and family in the territory, which is home to the capital Canberra and the nation's parliament.

The region's legislators approved the bill, which moved by the local Greens party.

Andrew Barr, an ACT minister who is in a gay relationship, wept as he spoke in support of the bill.

"Love, trust and intimacy and commitment are found at the heart of all good relationships," Mr Barr later told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

"I'm proud that this parliament will send that signal that my relationship with Anthony is equal to any other."

The law was drafted so that it does not contravene national legislation which says that civil unions must not mimic marriage.

"We understand that this is not same-sex marriage," said Greens MP Shane Rattenbury, who drafted the bill.

"This legislation is another step along the road to full equality for same-sex couples in Australia, and we are delighted that the assembly has passed it today," he added.

However, the law could still be struck down by Australia's attorney-general, who overturned similar legislation in February 2008 on the grounds it broke national marriage laws.




[The homosexuals aren't still given the rights to adopt a child or get a child via artificial insemination.] 


07:15 PM Dec 12 2009 |

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99.9% true.. Almost everybody has homosexual tendency..

Jeez! It appears I'm surrounded by freaks! Gotta be more careful in public showers…

Blame it on the hormones

Is that so? And I blamed hormones when I run after girls in mini skirts, when I was 14. Music seems not to be the only thing I don't understand in modern life.

Have you travelled anywhere else outside your country? Which countries did you go to?
Please answer my question, then I will tell you practical truth..

And only then and not earlie? I've been to Antarctida, can you tell me now what the sense of life is??

 Do you want some stats?
 Every 2 seconds, a child becomes an orphan….By the time you finished this post there will be around 100 new orphans in the world,

Oh, and you can sleep knowing that??? Should do something! Marry a couple of faggots maybe.
I definately like where this dispute leads you. What's then? Pederasts will save the world from global warming??

09:03 PM Dec 23 2009 |

Mr. Pmosh

Mr. Pmosh

Dominican Republic

@ Dissipator

The post wasn't for you, you could understand that if you had read the older post instead of say your stupids apreciations.


1. The orphans stats I showed you was 'cause you ask for them:

give me statistics that support ur claims,

in d middle east which is a part of d world, ppl don't abandon their children, even if d parents died, their family, uncle, aunt, grandparents take care of them,

 Did you forget about your own words?

And I already had prove that is healthy that gay couples raise childrens, and dnt care a sht what Islam has to say about, neither Australia (wich is not a muslim country).

 2. If you would have readed the Rikard's post  more carefully, you would know why I did the comment about Guantanamo Bay, so read it again.

10:15 PM Dec 23 2009 |

Mr. Pmosh

Mr. Pmosh

Dominican Republic

This is how Mr. Bonds answered the post in her comments. Someone makes a logic and smart comment, and he replyes "that´s stupid Allah is great!''

If someone post a comment with all the refernces and proves: "That´s a lie,  Islamophobic bullshit, western liers, Allah is great!"

If someone  beat him in a debate: "You´re just babbling"

If someone says 2+2=4: "Is five ´cause Allah says so"

When people used to say Islam was full of narrow minded, I was having the hope of find someone that prove the opposite, but I´m starting to lose all hope.



10:36 PM Dec 23 2009 |

Mr. Pmosh

Mr. Pmosh

Dominican Republic

I will take a time out due to the holidays, but be ready when I get back! 'Cause I am going to crack you like a cookie (as I am used to).

02:09 PM Dec 24 2009 |



Wel well well!

It was delaying to that stupid Djouzi  Enters on this thread! as none was talking to him, he just came and talked! he just want fights as always



1. Lovely Fabian: 




2. Dissipator

LOL I laugh about everything you say, even if you insult me I still laugh because you're always ''making jokes'' LOL 

I dont even mind about what you say LOL




Someone makes a logic and smart comment, and he replyes "that´s stupid Allah is great!''

If someone post a comment with all the refernces and proves: "That´s a lie,  Islamophobic bullshit, western liers, Allah is great!"

If someone  beat him in a debate: "You´re just babbling"

If someone says 2+2=4: "Is five ´cause Allah says so"

 Mr. Pmosh, LOL, Have you ONLY NOTICED THAT NOW!? 95% of the muslims THAT COMMENT ON THREADS, are norrow minded  and follow the islam laws. Lucky I know muslims that accept homossexuality, and still be great STRAIGHT muslims. It all depends of the point of view! but indeed there are still muslims that say ''if allah wants, allah will have it'', thats what happened on WTC maybe ,someone had visions of allah saying to kill million of inocent people.

Also I'll take your words,  while to muslims gays are disgusting, stupid and dangerous people, in NON muslim area, muslims are the ones that are disgusting, stupid and dangerous to the society! 

Ask to a non-muslim and say ''hey a muslim friend of mine wanna meet you''  he/she will automatically say 'WHAT? I WANNA BE ALIVE! HE/SHE MUST BE A SUICIDE BOMBER '' LOL

that's a norrow minded answer as you guys answer a norrow minded answer about gays. 



something corious is about iran in the homossexual laws:



check this!


02:24 PM Dec 24 2009 |



but I think all babies r born sinless, believers,

& by time  they keep believing or they disbelieve …


Rosella, I also believe that children are born innocent (sinless, if you will) but I can't agree that they are born with any belief in Allah, God, etc. The very fact that the vast majority of people have the same belief in or non-belief in gods  is testimony that belief is acquired and not inherent.  

05:17 PM Dec 24 2009 |





but I say that Allah created mankind & gave it prority than any other creature, u know by what ?? by brain & by mentality, not by sexual desire, that makes it no different than any animal… 

You have got the facts wrong. Humans are one of few animals that has sex for recreation. Most Animals have sex for reproduction.

Even more Interesting is that Homosexuality can be deduced as a proof for theory of evolution. Homosexuality is not a genetic disorder, It is all in the thinking. Thanks to Evolution, Human beings are not going to end because of Homosexuality. you see it requires genes to be passed on to the next generation, and thought doesn't make genes change.

Any how to understand this issue, you need "out of the book" thinking 

05:29 PM Dec 24 2009 |



u dont know that 90 percent are purely innocent who are guantanamou…A Guantanamou cheif delcared.


reference please? 

05:32 PM Dec 24 2009 |

Lovely Fabian

United Arab Emirates

My spirit and emotions are very, very low my EBaby family.. I wish you were all here with me..

I will try my best to contain my emotion and answer every point thrown at me..


You and Rosella are one and the same person? I was asking about her whereabout not yours..

"Jeez! It appears I'm surrounded by freaks! Gotta be more careful in public showers…"—Dissipator

If being a freak for you means believing that humans have homosexual tendency then, yes.. Believe it or not, you are one of the freaks too.. That 99.9% must be 100% but I give the 10% to the people in disbelief and in denial like you..

04:51 AM Dec 26 2009 |

Lovely Fabian

United Arab Emirates

"or its just another claim ??"-Rosella

Almost every Psychology professor drops that line when introducing the topic Homosexuality.. I know.. I teach Psychology, too.. Or maybe you will think I am not credible.. Okay, I got that line from my professor who went to Tokyo University then, Cambridge University in England.. If you will tell me that he and his colleagues are not credible, too then okay, you are the only one credible and having true claim here in EBaby.

"next time u 'll say, that 99.9% of d humans had a raping children tendency !!!"-Rosella

Raping is another thing.. You can choose to do or not to do it.. It is immoral and illegal.. Same-sex preference is a matter of "NOT ALL LEGAL ARE MORAL"..

Homosexuality means innate, inexplicable attraction to the same sex..  Tendency means we are liable to sucumb to that attraction, but Religion, Morality, Society and family are there to guide us for us to get hold of ourselves..

I know that sometime in you life you have heard a story of a one or two-year-old boy choosing Barbie doll over toy gun..


"if u really care about orphans & homeless kids,

why don't u just adopt them WITHOUT  another gay partner ??"-Rosella

You can care about homeless kids at the same time care about your personal happiness, too.. Having kids and rearing a family is just one of the purposes of marriage.. Let us not forget companionship (PREFERRED companionship) as well..

"not with me :)

coz I  believe tha teverything has sth to do with religion, at

 least in my religion, we apply d Islamic law,"-Rosella

Exactly.. NOT WITH YOU.. Your opinion does not hold water.. Everything has been decided in AUSTRALIA..

You said that 1 out of 4 persons in the world are Muslims.. How about the other three and their religion/s? You cannot just push YOUR RELIGION in every issue..

Look guys, I am not an advocate of gay-lesbian marriage.. Christianity disallows that.. What I am saying is that I am sure the Australian government did not legalize that in a whim, debates are there (a lot hotter than we have here) by HIGHLY CREDIBLE, KNOWLEDGEABLE and IMPARTIAL people, and all the angles are miticulously looked into.. They know a lot better than we do..

As long as they don't infringe our rights, let us not hamper their right to be happy..

At least here in UAE, I met a handful of police officers and members of the army.. Muscle men at day but Ms. Universe contestants at night.. Kwaniya, kanis, lady-boy… whatever you call them.. Closet  Muslim gays and lesbians are a slap on the face of close-minded people like you..



05:42 AM Dec 26 2009 |