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Life Talk!

what about your secret dream, fantasy?




Every person has some fantasy, sth in mind some mysterious wish or secret love. I wonder what  you think on this matter?????

08:54 PM Jul 20 2007 |

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Saudi Arabia



also i have these dream , actually i have alot of dreams hehehehheheh



09:27 AM Jul 24 2007 |



Our secret wishes seem beyond reach, yet still they remain, like a dull pain that will not go away.

Just for a moment, face your deepest desires, no matter how impossible they seem. Be brave enough to see what they show.

You ache for someone you:

    * will forever be proud of

    * can trust completely

    * can be totally yourself with.


Your secret wish is for someone:

    * who has not just heard of everything you have suffered and enjoyed since birth, but was there with you

    * who always and fully understands you

    * whose intelligence, strength and beauty will not grow less as the years go by.


You need someone who:

    * meets your needs so exactly that it seems you were made for each other

    * always brings the best out of you, helping you reach the highest you are capable of

    * not just feels your pain but can always help you no matter how serious your needs become

    * knows your darkest secret, your every thought, and yet thinks highly of you

    * can always be with you, no matter where you are, the moment you want your partner

    * will forever love you with a love so great that it always thrills and satisfies.


You want someone who always helps you, yet never stops your growth as a person; someone you will never get tired of, and yet someone who will never change.

Lastly, you do not want the constant fear of losing the person who means the most to you. You need a lover who could never be hit by sickness or injury or death.

10:05 AM Jul 24 2007 |



Our secret wishes seem beyond reach, yet still they remain, like a dull pain that will not go away. Just for a moment, face your deepest desires, no matter how impossible they seem. Be brave enough to see what they show.

You ache for someone you:

 * will forever be proud of

    * can trust completely

    * can be totally yourself with.


Your secret wish is for someone:

    * who has not just heard of everything you have suffered and enjoyed since birth, but was there with you

    * who always and fully understands you

    * whose intelligence, strength and beauty will not grow less as the years go by.



10:08 AM Jul 24 2007 |



Our secret wishes seem beyond reach, yet still they remain, like a dull pain that will not go away.

10:10 AM Jul 24 2007 |




Thanks u a lot explorer143. What you wrote is very nice & meaningful. I liked it very much it makes a person to think deeply byeeeeeeeeee….................

01:07 PM Jul 25 2007 |




my dream is marry to Paul Kellerman!!

Haha, since I've seen <Prison break> , I very like the actor who play Kelleman rols.

 don't laugh at me ,pls

01:37 PM Jul 25 2007 |




my dream is marry to Paul Kellerman!!

Haha, since I've seen <Prison break> , I very like the actor who play Kelleman rols.

 don't laugh at me ,pls

02:02 PM Jul 25 2007 |




And my dream is to see our planet without wars …without awful deathes…without global warming…and without people killing animals….I want the mankind to stop kill our nature ..our planet!!!!!!!!!! Lets live in peace…please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Cry

07:12 PM Jul 25 2007 |




i do not have any secreat dream but i inter here to ask this question , i know reading and writing by english language , so i can understand any instruction or read from many of newspaper easily and without use translated but i think i have abig problem to understand from TV or Audio , for that i hope anyone from here give me advice to improve my hearing

05:49 PM Jul 26 2007 |




my dream?

worldchampion 2010: germany


08:03 AM Jul 27 2007 |