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Second conditional sentences

np36Super Member!



        How are you doing?

        May I ask about this sentence, "I would not go there were the weather not good". Is this correct to use "were" in stead of "if" and if this is correct, can I say "I would not go there did he go."

       I've just been back from my vacation at Yellow Stone. It was very wonderful. When I was on the plane, I could barely understood what air hostresses talked about. I have been feeling that some English native speakers speak very clear to me but why do some of them speak like they fused every word together that I find it very difficult. Apart from frequent listenings to native speakers, do you have any suggestions to improve listening comprehension?

       Thank you very much and please have a nice day.

10:02 PM Jun 29 2009 |

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Teacher AmySuper Member!

United States

Hi! Don't feel discouraged about your listening comprehension. Different speakers have different accents and speak at different paces. So some will always be easier to understand than others. I am a native speaker, and I still have trouble understanding some accents! For example, thick Irish, Scottish, and southern accents are very hard for me to understand.

As for your first question, it is fine to say "I would not go there were the weather not good," but it is more common to say, 'I would not go there if the weather weren't good."  It is not correct to say "I would not go there did he go."Instead you should see, "I would not go there if he went."

Thanks for your questions!


06:32 PM Jul 01 2009 |