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"And" & "But" ??



Hi, I’m confused about the usage of words: “and” ,”but”! 

In what situation they can be put at the beginning to start a sentence ?

07:03 AM Mar 23 2012 |

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Teacher AmySuper Member!

United States

Hi! Great question. We used to be taught not begin sentences with the conjunctions “And” and “But.” However, this rule has become more relaxed in recent years. In less formal writing it is now considered acceptable. Some people also use “And” or “But” at the beginning of a sentence for stylistic purposes, if they want to create a “choppy” effect for some reason. 

So, in short, it isn’t wrong to start a sentence this way, but you should do so with caution, especially if you have a traditionalist for a teacher. Wink


04:54 PM Mar 26 2012 |



Hi, Amy. Thanks for the reply!

Feels great to have my doubts answered ! Really appreciate it! 

01:11 AM Mar 27 2012 |