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Life Talk!

why are people afraid of Islam? ur opinion



Saudi Arabia

hi everyone..

 why are people afraid of Islam?

why is it spread every where faster than others?

why do others hate Islam & Muslims?

 in my opinion..the real & the right answer for these questions is that because it is the


so what is ur opinion?

plz don`t say that because they r terrorist..because Bush is the famous terrorist in the world

waiting for ur opinion..

my respecting to all religion 



08:52 PM Dec 15 2007 |

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ade zhang

ade zhang


respect each other,respect their religion, everyone all have theirslves religion \ pursut and goals.believe each other,care each other,wish our world is fll of peace and smile.

05:12 AM Dec 26 2007 |




To MarkChina

Dear sir,

 I do respect your analysis and your English is wonderful

Could you allow me to ask you to do something? I really want you to do it. You can start right now and I advise you to do it when you r alone or late in the night . Before that you need to believe that there is only ONE  GOD. Because there can’t be two. You know what happens when there are two leaders or two kings or two chiefs. Just ask truly this GOD who is the unique one the one who created all the worlds to guide you , to let you know HIM and HE will do soon or late . if you find yourself confused then ask HIM again. Then i'm sure that you'll know what's the real religion. In addition of that do not judje a religion according to what its believers do because unfortunately most of the people do not follow their religions . But read about religions and try to analyse each one and do not forget to ask The UNIQUE GOD to help and guide you.

06:36 PM Dec 26 2007 |




I am agree with Whitechalice opinions. furthermore Muslim always being supressed by westerner and jews. So they have no choice except becoming terrorists.

06:49 PM Dec 26 2007 |

Bright Star

Saudi Arabia

i'm a Muslim and i think many peoble have wrong idea about Islam

 thank's Lara i will write another post as soon as possible.

01:36 AM Dec 27 2007 |




Personally, I am not afraid of religion or religous people, what scares me to death are the fanatics like lets say Hitler, who have this extraordinary charm and are able to make people follow they every word no matter how insane it sounds, they can even make you kill someone using your faith, they tell you it’s OK because you’re doing it for God, Jesus, Allah, Buda, to protect you heritance, etc., and your faith, your beliefs are so strong you actually believe it!I don’t follow a specific religion I just worry about being a really good person and not to hurt others and I would never say that this is the way it should be for everybody, this is just the way it works for me, thank you very much :D

Peace, Ale Laughing

01:55 AM Dec 27 2007 |


Viet Nam

I'm not a Muslim or Islam. Althought many people hate Muslim, but I think that Muslim and Islam don't have anything wrong. And I also respect all religions. I want to make friends with everyone and don't need to know what their religion is or their ethnic is.


04:51 AM Dec 27 2007 |




Yes, i was born into a müslim family!! But anyone said to me “you have to be a Müslim” because İslam is a tolerance,love religion ( i think you must read Mevlana)

So people isnot  afraid  of İslam

İ researched ,read  something for example i read the gospel and koran

And i decided to choise it besause i think İslam is so impressive, faccinating for me now

For example ezan is so nice ,yes i am Müslim now


05:19 PM Dec 29 2007 |





it's not that most religious people are hypocrites but it's hard to follow a religion because it's against our desires and the desires lead astray. Someone who is asray isn't necessarily a hypocrite

07:25 PM Dec 30 2007 |




 there's the good and the bad every where and in every thing..

i wish god help us to complete our life without many mistaks..


03:37 AM Dec 31 2007 |




hi:) people dont afraid be islam they are not eat you:):)

05:13 PM Dec 31 2007 |