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To The Muslims

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United States

January 19, 2008

Holocaust deniers must be encouraged to talk rubbish

That way it is easier to prove that they are idiots. And they really are idiots - some of them can't even get their sums right.
Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad repeated his view this month that Nazi Germany's mass killing of Jews was a "myth" and that Palestinians and Iraqis were suffering a "real Holocaust".

Foreign ministry spokesman, Hamid Reza Asefi, followed up the remarks by saying that it was "necessary to determine the scale" of the Nazi Holocaust, implying that all the historical work done on this subject since WWII has been utter gibberish. Historians made the whole thing up, apparently.

The Tehran Times reports that, in this new scholarly spirit, Iran is planning to have a ‘special conference’ on the Holocaust. And, here's the best bit, Iranian experts, scientists and officials intend to come to Poland and 'investigate' and gather 'evidence' and compile 'a report' that will show the true numbers who perished.

Bless their cotton socks.

"It is necessary that historians meet, discuss and give their opinion, talk about numbers and this conference could happen this spring," Ambassador to Portugal, Mohammad Taheri [and one time Ambassador to Poland] said in an interview with public radio Antena 1.

The ambassador said he had personally visited Nazi death camps in Poland and had concluded it was not possible for six million Jews to have died during the Holocaust.

"When I was ambassador to Poland I visited Auschwitz and Birkenau twice and I did my own calculations. To incinerate six million people you would need 15 years," he said.

Mr Ambassador, you are a moron and not really fit for any sort of public office at all. Not because you deny the Holocaust – you have the same right of freedom of speech as I do – but because nobody has ever suggested that six million Jews were incinerated - Jews died and were disposed of in many horrible ways. Nobody has ever claimed, either, that six million Jews died in Auschwitz during WWII. The six million figure comes from the total deaths at the hands of the Nazis in all concentration and prison camps in Poland, Germany and elsewhere, and during the failed uprisings, etc.(though there is some controversy about the figures from some groups).

The number of people who died in Auschwitz is closer to one and a half million.

The stupidity of these people should convince everyone that instead of imprisoning cranks like joke historian David Irving for denying the Holocaust, we should let them speak and deny all they like. That way we can see easily what morons these people truly are.

The only people who have anything to fear from freedom of speech are liars, those who talk bullshit for a living, and the intellectually challenged.

Which one of those is you, Mr Ambassador?


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