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Do Not Be Hopeless!

Majid Zarif

Iran, Islamic Republic Of

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March 30, 2012

It was family gathering .Everyone was there, and the holy prophet's presence enlightened the gathering with the smile and a glance , he saied to all:

" you do not have that much wealth to please every one, so try to please people by your cheerfulness."

A Smile , a warm greeting or even a nodding would  tame the running hearts and create acquaintance with the strange looks,don't it?

March 13, 2012

Hope is main key to victory in life.

Hopeful people are one step closer to prosperity.

Hopeless people, although look alive and breathe, but they have been dead for years while they have been unaware of it.

Why hopelessness?Why despair?

Is hope not secret to movement and the elixir of endeavour and despair the spell of retreat?

So why should we be hopless?!

The Holy Prophet "Mohammad"(S.A.W.) stated:

' A Hopeful sinner is closer to the mercy of Allah(God) than a hopeless worshipper.'