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Sari`s Blog

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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

July 14, 2008


Once, all village people decided to pray for rain.
On the day of prayer all people gathered and only one boy
came with an Umbrella,that's Confidence


Trust should be like the feeling of a one year old baby
when you throw him in the air,he laughs……
because he knows you will catch him;
that's Trust


Every night we go to bed,
we have no assurance to get up alive in the next morning
but still you have plans for the coming day ;
that's Hope


More entries: First Time Love (1), NOTHING ELSE MATTERS, We're Not In Love (1), Trust Me With Your Heart, Friendship Day, My Heart Believes In You, I have made some mistakes, they rest in past, I've Been Caught, Love (1), Performance Appraisal

View all entries from Sari`s Blog >

07:08 PM Jul 14 2008


wonderful blog !wish we could become good friends !

01:40 PM Jul 14 2008

Luca Brasi

And Trust, trust raa bayad az zabaan dokhtari porsid ke az baraye esme nevisi dar dabirestaan ba Pedar miravad va sar az mahzar dar miavard, ke be bahaye Mavadi forookhteh shod .

01:33 PM Jul 14 2008

Luca Brasi

Hope, it comes when you are on the platform of execution and they put a thick rope on your neck and tied it up, make it harder and harder for you. Hope comes at that time, : OH my God , what will happen if it have been rotted or be cutted , ....... And rope does his job again and again and ...

01:30 PM Jul 14 2008

Luca Brasi

good, That was really interesting, I guess I know where it was, some where in Keshvare kharab shodehemoon bood. Those people of that country , in fact the poor farmer that all their life and their reason of living is LAND, they do anything to see it plants. Like a child that you treat till he grows up, LAND is a mother and a Child for them, they treat her to treat them. that is a simple fact of their poor life.