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June 19, 2007

This story, i can write you is my dream, some weks(moths) ago, but nly some situations. Time, place, era are undefined.

It was a girl i remeber black hair, not so tall, but not muslim. lets tall undefined religion. She was a princess from  undefined oriental country, but without scarf. she and others were in one castle. some important people, other prince from northern country(somewhereš in Europe - undefined). some other guests. They were on this castle.  Prince was a quiet man,  princes was "must be in center of view". One day, some dinner.... prince everytime said something,  and people around laughted. I think to the princes and she got angry. She went to dance  but missed some steps.  nobody saw it, but prince,and said it and she was so angry, child angry at him.
Next day, they met in garden. she talked him everything how she is disgusted about his behavior.

after this meeting they met everyday, she sleeped to non, but after meeting with him, she strarted to wake uop earlier. they talked everyday, and princes waasnt more "everytime in center of view". she changed. One day she was sad , because she  had to return home, to wedd someone from her country. Prince from North decided to accompany her to her home.

During way, they came to castle on the coast, it was  castle of one sultan... In the morning, prince went to walk to the beach. She saw him, so she went too. but she hasnt seen him, but after some minutes. He was lying on the beach with blood in hair. Sultan proiposed her, to help him, but they didnt find him(because of sultan said not to find him). Sultan prisoned princess to have her for wife.

Prince, woke up in one hut.one old man carried about him. He got strength and he went like unknown man to find princess. he met her, but because he didnt want to her rocognize him, he spoke like an old man, with cough. She told him about prince, but she didnt know, that he is a prince.  he helped her after some weeks to escape... He took her to her home. Prince was alwasys that old man, because she loved her, but couldnt take her for wife. so he decide to hide his identification, because he didnt want make her troubles with heart.  He became her servant. After one year, she had to marry someone. So prince-servant decided to went home, to the north. But , when she went to fatharr, she lost something, i think ring from the hand.
Prince-servant wanted to give it to her, but one man jolted him, and prince-servant fell off.  she saw the same situation like on the beach, and she remembered that he is not servant but prince. She took him by hand, and she lead him to her father to please him to marry that prince, that saved her.

thats all.... my dream was only about some situation in castle of meeting prince and princess - dancing princess, angry princes, and walking in garden. Other things i made for this story.... i like writting stories. but not in english..