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July 16, 2011


What a rainy week.

It feels like I'm living in England.CAN'T GO OUT WITHOUT AN UMBRELLA.

Spent most of this week in school.

7:30am to 9:30pm from MONDAY TO SATURDAY.FIRST WEEK to live a life like this.

Finally fit in with this kinda life--knocking myself off by studying and spending more time with friends,sharing joys and sorrows.

This will last for the entire year before we graduate.

2 teachers were commanded to leave us and to teach junior students.

Right on the day they left,in the final physics class.he told us that he had gotta leave us then he burst into tears.

We just looked at him with silence.

He didn't say much since then.

The whole classroom was in silence like hell.

I'd never forget that.

Some of us couldn't even concentrate on studies.

Even the BEST STUDENT  in our grade who happened to be my deskmate checked out that only 3 outta 10 of exercises that he had did  were correct.


This is when I started to write my 3rd song called DROWNING IN BLOOD showing how much we didn't want him to leave.

BUT finally it turned to be a love song.LOL

HERE'S AN excerpt of it---

<It's our last time to be together
Hoping time stops moving
like this till forever
But the truth is
We still gotta be apart ever after

How am I gonna survive
every single night
without you by my side
The fears take me over
You tell me to get it over
time to let go
But I wish it wasn't so oh oh oh >



HAVE KNOWN that I passed the interview with MAIA (shor for Massachusetts International Academy) for a while.

I was supposed to have an interview with MSU as well(MSU is short for Michigan State University).


HOWEVER,I CAN'T go even if I was accepted.

This is really bad.

I always wanna take an adventure and experience something new.

There's always a string linking us and it's called FAMILY.

I ain't sure that I'm well prepared for going somewhere that's half world far away from my family and my friends.


gotta put it behind and get ready for the real battle --the extrance examinations to top universities this year.

Don't know what's got into me...Wrote 4 songs this week.

JUST made up a sentence that consists of names of those 4 songs,SOMETHING GOES LIKE-----a Doubter who is Drowning in blood and asking What is this all about wants to Break free.




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