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January 8, 2009

talk about chinese cuisine, i must be introduce xiangcai(湘菜)to everyone. "xiang"is abbreviation of Hunan province.i was born in changsha city ,Hunan province.and grew up here. if we use three words to describe xiangcai,it is "Hot,Hot and Hot!" Most Chinese people insist that the Hunanese have the hottest tastes in the country. Their spicy diet is said to make the people of Hunan hot and fiery in nature: in fact, so renowned are they for their valour and tenacity that the Chinese say you can't have a true army without them.Chairman Mao famously said that you can't be a revolutionary if you don't eat chillies.i think the most papular dish in the xiangcai is fried pork in chille(辣椒炒肉)

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