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Blackberry's love

Josie Zhou

Josie Zhou


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February 11, 2008

After 1 months' winter vacation, the new semester will begin since the end of Feb. Have to devote myself to studying again. English and Japanese are my majors. It's pity that I have almost forgotten Japanese which I had learnt last term. There's still one year to go. The most impt and urgent thing for me is to acquire more knowledge and try to make a great improvement on my English, not only on writing,listening, but also on speaking. Up till now, I still haven't realize my promise of speaking English with Honey in our daily lives. I seldom practice my oral English, really feeling ashamed of myself. 委屈 

As long as I finish the whole course, there exists a significant turning point for me to receive. I promised honey that I would accompany him to go back to Singapore and build up our family there. Frankly speaking, I'm longing for that moment at all times and always believing our acquaintance is one of the best gifts which god presents to us. Falling in deep love with honey is one of the most beautiful things for me. His appearance makes my life colourful, meaningful,complete and perfect . He ignited my passion and my soul. Though there are a lot of culture differeces between us, including living habits, languages and the way of doing things, nothing can stop us, I believe. Honey's affection and concerns encourage me to struggle for our future. Maybe someone will think I'm a little bit fool cos I have to give up what I have now,and need to face to so many uncertain issues since Honey and I became a couple. That's the fact, but I just want to say it's worthwhile.

Life is full of drives,passions and challenges. I have always cherished a saying, "We must believe what we have now, in favorable or adverse circumstances, is the best arrangement for us."

When we focus all our attentions on our study, work and lives,try to make it perfect, we will be full of ardors once again. 花开 

February 11, 2008

I'm getting more and more disappointed with my current company.

Since Tech Group and SD merged, lots of people think SD plunges into a deep valley. The organization chart changed and there are quite different ways of doing things between the two companies. Some people say the bosses are not doing business,instead, they are fighting for politics. The company guidelines and policies changed from time to time cos when one party comes into power, he will execute new policies. Thus, we, all the employees have to suffer from all these changes. We are often informed that we should count the labor cost in that way which is based on the new definitions given by the head office. 

Story retells the truth...

Several weeks ago, in order to set up the ERP system, Winnie asked me to prepare a contract employee list for her. And later she asked me to complete the form which contains the relevant cost center of each employee. I adopted  the cost center No. given by our finance to complete the form although I think dividing cost center should definitely belong to Finance working scope. (In my opinion, I just needed to provide employee's names,departments and titles.) Something beyond my expectation that today Winnie sent a mail to us to say that the cost center I adopted has deviated from the AX cost center and our Finance needs to confirm whether Shanghai Plant should be using the cost center indicated in AX system or follow the one indicated by HR.

I'm really confused, what's AX cost center, who can tell me? I called our finance immediately, she told me corporate finance redefinited the new cost center called AX cost center. (They redefinited the last cost center by the end of 2006.) Faint, I never engaged in ERP training and so far our finance still hadn't formally conveyed this information to us, how did I know? I was really angry, exhausted, disappointed with it...I replied Winnie all abt my dissatisfactions and made a conclusion that "Up till now, I just realized there's another cost center called AX cost center...Maybe we should enhance our internal communication between relevant departments..."

Nothing could console my indignation at that moment and I learnt a good lesson from it that better not do the things unbelonging to your work scope. The more you do, the more mistake you will make, in other words, the less you do, the less mistake you will make. No one will praise you when you do such things successfully, nevertheless, you will even be blamed when you do it wrongly.

One more ridiculous thing, all the staff may be divided into auto and non-auto parts in our HR system which is requested by the corporate directors. They want to calculate the cost of staff who are doing auto programs and who are doing non-auto programs. However,under the reality condition, most of us are working for both auto and non-auto. How can a person be divided into two parts? Don be self-blinded!!!

During most of my working time, I am doing meaningless reports, useless calculation... 

03:04 AM Feb 12 2008



Come on, my friend. life like a box chocolate,   you face everything happily ,  nothing is  sad.