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Tiffany's Blog



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February 20, 2008

Hi, my dear friends!I am so happy today cause' I had an English name of mine finally.As a matter of fact,I have dreamed of having an English name since very very long ago,but still couldn't think out a suitable one I like.Today I tell my thought to my foreign friend when chatting with him.He recommended several to me at once,e.g. Jessica,Catherine and Brittany.Suddenly,Audrey Hepburn came to my mind.There was a film where she acted  called "Breakfast at Tiffany's".In the film,Audrey always went to a jewellery shop,and the brand of all the jewelleries sold there was just Tiffany.I liked this name very much,so I decided to take it as my English name.My friend also regarded it highly after I told him.Hey,friends,what do you think of it?Do you think Tiffany is good-listening?I think it is indeed!So,all of you can call me Tiffany([ti'fænni] not['tif?ni]) from now on.^_^