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December 26, 2007

I make MIDI music since 2002. I found a method to compose electronic music in my own computer. I thought that It's easy to learn.
I found tutorials and more softwares as help to make it.
In 2002 I made my first music, that was experimental because I didn't about composition. The time go and I could understand many softwares.
I used a software called Anvil Studio. This can play music. You can edit your own score to your own instrument. Then, you can make a composition as If you have your own orchestra.

The MIDI format is an electric music which can to play in your computer as MP3 but MIDI music is more simple than mp3 because It is record in your computer with artificial musical notes.

I would like that midi music can be listened today but that is a question from '90 years :(

For more www.luisfader.ar.gs

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