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July 6, 2008

I like the phrase I read sometime ago while passing in the store,it goes like this:Everytime there's     a new born    baby  it means God is not yet tired with man.With all the negative contreversies around,phedophiles,economic crisis and sometimes self crises you know giving up one's liberty and embracing new    responsibilities are not stimulating factors to have children.But personally I'm enjoying motherhood I could see with my daughters that they are the continuation of my youth and I dedicate much time with them to teach them and I promise I'm learning from them also.I face challenges and fear is not absent.But I feel whole with this task and i never thought that I would be capable ofgiving  unconditional love.I'm growing with them:Experience the tenderness  and the emotion of mother and child binding.There's no such greater emotion than this.Hail to all the moms here in English baby!!!!