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February 4, 2013

What is the point of posting half-naked and sort of bawdy photos on the internet, especially on EB?

I see many women post such photos on EB, but what is the point? To get compliments or dirty comments? I personally would not need to feel honored by receiving a couple of silly and dirty comments like “You are sexy. You have sexy lips. I want you. I want to kiss you...” bla bla. I know myself and I know I am a pretty woman. That’s to say, I feel proud of my beauty already, so why do I need those empty words from some unknown people most of whom have a dirty agenda on their mind? I am not even questioning whether it is moral or not. It does not concern me, but it seems very impulsive to me to be enmeshed in such a poor and sort of humiliating situation.

I do not know what you think, but to me, a pretty woman both on the inside and outside is never in need of hearing those empty words, because she is sure of herself, her manners, and her outer and inner beauty. She is self-confident, and self-assured. She does not take any notice of vain words which do not serve for any real purpose AND she should not! 


More entries: A Letter to Life (32), Flirting with life! (10), Self-promises, What if...? (1), Goodbye, Iron Lady!, MESSY REFLECTIONS! :))) (13), Just some thoughts... (5), Are you A REASON, A SEASON or A LIFETIME? (6), A Very Good Read. Enjoy! :) (6), Once In Your Life... (6)

View all entries from My MESSY Blog >

08:07 AM Feb 10 2013



photo is just photo ,even it's all-naked. it's a free world, some one has her right to post some half-naked photo ,maybe her motivation is just to show her beauty, there is nothing wrong about loving beauty. but the dirty comment is not respect  to the owner. it's all right but the thinking of people!

05:04 AM Feb 09 2013



Hello friends,

First of all, thanks for your expressive comments and personal opinions. Everytime you appear on my profile, you add sunshine to it and I feel like busking in the sun with your brilliant existence, beautiful ladies, Mahtab and Moriza! :)

Boili, I have nothing to say for those who post their ethical photos. Nothing is wrong with that, but of naked photos, not so sure.

Dear Mahtab, I agree with you. I think likewise. The reason why I do not post my photos has nothing to with my being ugly or having some religious restrictions. This is all about my personal rules. My rules tell me not to post any of my photos here because I am not here for some puppy love adventure or getting nasty tributes. Yet I can share my photos comfortably with my close friends in whom I confide. Even with some close friends whom I met on EB we call each other and talk on the phone. What's more, I am planning to meet a close friend of mine in a few months. This is all about trust. :) By the way, I am curious to see you, Mahtab. Maybe we can add each other on Facebook and get a chance to see these beautiful ladies, you, me and surely, our Moriza. :)

Moriza dear, I told you that before, I know, but I truly appreciate your thoughtful manners from the bottom of my heart! You are truly caring and loyal, not to mention your wisdom. :) Those who have you in their lives are very fortunate to own a gem like you! :)

04:08 AM Feb 09 2013


Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Hello Dear Sabiha!

I'm totally agree with you and I'm always wondering why some girls want to show their body or sexy photos to others on EB!

If you consider , most of those girls cant write english very well then they are here for other reasons!!!

You know I dont post my own photos here and a few friends have seen my face on Fb!

I dont accept all friends on my Fb because its my private place for very close friends and relatives !(Of course I dont have there such photos too!! :)) )

Some think I'm too ugly to show myself!! Or I'm too religious!

None its right! I havent show my photos in public because its not acceptable in my culture!Just it!

Anyway I think some women show their personality by their photos!

Some of them are really sick and you know ... sick people always find other sick people!

But some of them show their unusual photos without thinking about the reactions!

They simply repeat others actions and I'm sure they dont expect those dirty comments by men!!

Anyway I'd like to see my close friends photos and I will show them my own picture if they want to see me!

Even without seeing them I'm sure they are beautiful!

I know people by their behaviors not by their appearances! :)

Thanks for your new blog! :)

02:42 AM Feb 09 2013



Hello my friend and pretty woman,

Putting their half-naked pics they show their world,what they can offer to others.For every good there is a buyer.There are ones that like such things,as there are the others who have quite another values in life.A woman should be a mystery for a man.It always might be a place for his visualization.What is the interest when he sees evrth and at once?

The world is simply a refletion of us.If we want a better world,we need to think better thoughts and do better things.

 Wkend quote

08:20 AM Feb 06 2013



I tend to agree with you,but ppl who upload their real photos are mostly for communicating with each other better.Not all for fullfiling vanity.In another way,if you got a highly inner value,you may give a shit because I dunt give a shit,too.lol.