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My Journey to Being A Better Person




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May 7, 2014

I had been very depressed in the past and I no longer would like to be in that situation.

I had been focusing too much at work and wanted to be the best already. I get easily depressed when receiving unlikely remarks and so I become stressed and can't even focus on anything I do. I eat and binge whenever I felt sad. I just realized I was getting fatter than ever again the moment I took a selfie shot.

I often forget that there is more to life than work and I have to make sure that I don't disregard my emotional health and well being. I am currently working to lose weight and also grow spiritually as well. I want to get closer to God and so I wanted to share to everyone my journey and my everyday life.

I aim to gain friends from this site while I learn as well. I just realized I had been neglecting my grammar since I started working. I often create mistakes so it's really embarrasing especially when the person you're talking knows that you'd major English when you were in college.