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September 18, 2011

Sizegenetics - Sizegenetics Extender The male enhancement products market is such a lucrative one that many companies are trying to promote high priced products that have low quality in order to make quick bucks. With such a wide range of male enhancement products on the market today, how does a guy know which products are worth buying?

In this article, I'll talk about some of the penis enlargement methods that work, some that don't, and finish with recommendations of male enhancement products I've experienced success with. Hopefully this will put you in a better-informed position when you're ready to make buying decisions.

Methods That Don't Work

Although immensely popular and believed by many to be effective, penis enlargement pills will never increase penis size on their own. Penis pills will only make more blood flow to your penis, which will only make the blood chambers bigger temporarily but not enough to stretch them sufficiently to result in permanent size increases. To permanently enlarge the size of your penis blood chambers (and therefore your penis), outside force is needed, such as using your hands to jelq.

Method That Do Work, But Not Recommended

Penis pumps are somewhat effective in increasing penis length and girth, but they are risky to use due to the difficulty in controlling the pressure in the pump. If you're not careful, the pump will inflict bruising and even nerve damage to your penis. For safety reasons, penis pumping is not recommended.

Penis enlargement surgeries can be effective, depending on the type of surgery and the particular surgeon performing the surgery (and the patient's luck or course). However, many patients that have gone through penis enlargement surgeries have complained about little or even no gains in size and/or penis disfigurement. More importantly, penis surgeries carry high risks. There have been cases of blotched surgery that resulted in permanently damaged penises. Again, for safety reasons, penis surgeries are not recommended.

Recommended Methods

Penis enlargement exercises such as stretching and jelqing have been proven to be effective in permanently increasing penis size. When the penis is stretched, cells in the penis react by multiplying and thereby making itself bigger. When the penis is jelqed, large amounts of blood rushes to fill and expand the blood chambers inside the penis, which over time will make these blood chambers bigger in size, gradually and permanently.

Because you can only stretch your penis for so long before your hands get tired, a penis stretcher will be very helpful in maintaining a stretch over long periods of time. You can wear your penis stretcher while you're doing normal daily activities such as watching tv, reading, sleeping, or even while you're working if the work doesn't require a lot of movement.

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