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Rene`s blog



Iran, Islamic Republic Of

January 27, 2010

Hi dear friends, One of my close friends sent me this nice note & I wanna share it with you:

It`s amazing when strangers become friends, but its sad when friends become strangers. I never want to lose u as a friend!

I met u as a strangers...

Now I have u as a friend.

I hope we meet in our next walk of life where friendship never ends.

I may not be the most important person in ur life, I just hope when u hear my name  smile & say

" Thats My Friend "

12:48 PM Jul 15 2010


United Arab Emirates

really nice words Smile

05:58 AM Feb 17 2010



He\She write what I'm feeling

Yeah viona " the distance it doesn't really matter anymore "

Allah bless you dear friends

10:01 PM Feb 16 2010

viona helena


someone said "Reyhaneh" yesterday. And I asked? Who is she? Undecided

(Hahaha no no only joke,dear! Wink)

Reyhaneh, yeah she's my Iranian friend who gave me cutie red flower and white garbera yesterday Laughing. How can i forget you girl?

You are far far away from me. But every time i turn on my PC or my mobile.

The distance it doesn't really matter anymore, right?

Feels so close as you are here beside me Smile

(oh my God, i become so wise again! 79 years old effect Laughing Hahahhaa Tongue out)


02:51 PM Feb 06 2010


Iran, Islamic Republic Of

thanx dear Mahsa for all ur kind words, u make me ashamed, I think it`s ur favoe dear sis.

I try to be honest with my friends & care about them from bottom of my heart so all of you " Mahsa, Haleh, Fadilah, Meshary, Johannes, Viona, Mohadeseh, Mostafa, lana, sina & other dear friends" are precious for me & I`m thankful toward Allah for having such a nice friends.

* May Allah bless all of you *

11:36 PM Feb 03 2010


Iran, Islamic Republic Of

God bless you.

Without any doubt you bring me smile face, so you obtained your goal.

I know you have smiley face with full of energy.

I am honest with you, you are really good friend dear Reyhaneh.

And I am realy happy to be with you.

I never think that I become regretful one day.

Sorry if I don't be a good friend for you.

Thank for  being my friend.


02:06 PM Jan 29 2010


Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Hi Jo*

thanx for ur nice comment, absolutely I love that poem & I know "sohrab sepehri" coz he is a Persian poet ;p

I bought one of his book last year as a birthday giftf for my younger sis ;p

& this beautiful flower is for you & my other nice friend ^^

10:11 AM Jan 28 2010



I saw a very nice and great poem in a friends profile.

Believe, you will love it Reyhaneh

it s suit s to you , do you agree?


poem of Sohrab Sepehri in english

?where is the friend's house

asked the horseman just at dawn.
The Heavens paused

A way farer took the bright branch from his lips
Conferred it on the darkness of the sands

Pointed with his finger to a poplar tree and said:
Just before that tree

There is a garden path greener than God's dreams
In it there is love as wide as the blue wings of true friendship

You go on to the end of the path that takes up again
Just beyond maturity

Then turn toward the flower of loneliness
Two steps before the flower
Stop at the eternal fountain of earthly myth

There a transparent terror will seize you
And in the sincerity of the streaming heavens
You will hear a rustling
High up a pine tree
You will see a child
Who will lift a chick out of a nest of light
Ask him
'where is the friend's house'

 may GOD  bless you  Reyhaneh

and that girl, I have stolen this poem from.

Im sure ,she will forgive me, because she is

a close friend too. Merci.......F.........h


December 19, 2009


Hi dear friends

Please accept my deepest condolences for the martyrdom of Imam Hussain & his great family in battle of Karbala in Muharram month. If you wanna know more about Imam Hussain pbuh & battle of Karbala u can check :

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mourning_of_Muharram http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Husayn_ibn_Ali

& wanna add Ziarat Ashura for my friends:


01:28 PM Dec 27 2009



Hi sis

I wanna do that but It's  really difficult to me to translate it

especially It's has some of  religious words

03:02 PM Dec 25 2009


Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Thank u dear bros for ur comments. Hi dear Meshary* thanks for ur comments but if u can post it`s meaning too, I will able to get it`s meaning coz my arabic is awful ;O Dear Sina: thank u for ur comment & I will pray for u dear bro also don`t forget ur sis. Dear h-a-h: thank u too for ur commnet. I hope all ur mourning be accpted by Allah.

11:36 PM Dec 23 2009



hi reyhaneh

مأجورين جميعاً

 السلام عليك يا أبا عبدالله

 السلام عليك يا غريب كربلاء السلام على الحسين وعلى علي بن الحسين وعلى أولاد الحسين وعلى أصحاب الحسين عليهم مني سلام الله ابداً ما بقيت وبقي الليل والنهار ولا جعله الله آخر العهد منا لزيارتكم والصلاة والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

sorry for writing in Arabic

07:18 AM Dec 23 2009


Iran, Islamic Republic Of


 How are you dear reyhaneh?

Thanks for your comment on my blog.

crying & to be asd for Imam Hussain's martyrdom will be great  to wash our soul & help us to be stronger against enemies.

Please don't forget your little brother in your worships.

have a nice time.




10:56 AM Dec 22 2009



بالطف يا حسين
كأنني بكَ

مر من على الصعيد في العراق
والسمر للاوداج ناحره
وصدرك الطهور تدوسه الخيول
ايا غريب الدار والوطن
تبقى فلا تنجون ما كفن
وزينب تصيح ..
حبيبي يا حسين ..
وزينب تصيح ..
حبيبي يا حسين ..
الظالمون احرقوا الخيام
وروعوا الاطفال والحرام

حيها حيها
قد رفرفت اعلامنا
بأسم طه المصطفى

وتعالت للسماء
اصواتنا جلجلت
اصدائها في الخافقين
وعلى نهج الهدى
اهدافنا ولنا
حب الولا قرة عين

وستبقى بعدنا
اثارنا تزدهي انوارها كالنيّرين
والى الدنيا بدى عنواننا
.                   .
.                   .
.                   .
...إننا للمــــوت...
عشــــــــــاق الحســــــــــين


sorry for the Arabic words

but I wanna describe my feeling with my language




06:34 AM Dec 22 2009



السلام علیک یا ابا عبدالله الحسین

نظر السبط إلى وجه علي في حناني

ثم ناداه ضع لسانك والذي فوق لساني

ستجـد أنـي أعـاني مثلمــا انت تعاني

فأنا عاطش أرتقب الموت ثواني

غوثاء وغوثاء والمشتكى لله

الله اكبر .. الله اكبر

03:37 PM Dec 20 2009


Iran, Islamic Republic Of

السلام علیک یا ابا عبدالله الحسین

thank u dear friends for ur comments.


12:59 AM Dec 20 2009


Iran, Islamic Republic Of

السلام علیک یا ثار الله

11:53 PM Dec 19 2009


Iran, Islamic Republic Of

I condolence to you too for this heavy grief for this deep heartache.

November 22, 2009

Two geese were about to go south for their annual Autumn migration, when a frog came up to them and asked if they would take him with them. The geese agreed if the frog could work out how he would be carried by them. The frog produced a long stalk of grass, got the two geese to hold each end whilst he clung to it`s middle with his mouth. In this manner the three were making their journey when they were noticed from below by some men.

The men expressed their admiration for the device and wondered who had been clever enough to discover it. As soon as the frog heard them he opened his mouth and said: "It was I"! he lost his hold and fell to the earth.

The prophet Mohammad (S.A.W): " Wvwn if you do not commity any sins, I fear that you may fall in to something which is worse: pride! pride! "