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Be young at heart



February 18, 2009


人生有很多转折,不是个人能完全规划,但人生路上你可以掌握 3个C,此外,我们所处的时代,变化太大,所以在社会上不要仅做一行,而要跨行! 跨行指的是除了读本科的书之外,还要接触其它的知识。
人生中有很多转折,不是个人所能够完全规划或掌握的,但人生路上你可以掌握 3个C。人生 3C就是Competence 、Communication 和 Cooperation。
Competence = 专业能力
首先,你要有competence( 能力),能力是你的本事和专业,要事先发掘你自己的专长 。电机系毕业生,不代表你就是电机专才 ,以前我在新闻社有个朋友,他是学土木的,现在却投身于出版业。所以,并不是你读什么,未来的职业就是什么。在我的人生路上,曾经遇见许许多多好导师,适时给我一些建议及想法,使得我的思维能及时转变,朝向对的方向发展。我的第一个工作,是在声宝企业做音响设计,但随即发觉我的个性,不太适合在实验室里做研究,因此转至震旦行做Sales,卖复印机。卖着卖着,逐渐发觉我的人生,开始对的方向走,后又至汽车音响公司做业务行销,继而走人外商公司--台湾通用器材,担任东南亚区销售总监,当时我才28岁。
犹记第一次出国到达欧洲比利时,人地生疏、加以当时我的英文相当不流利,但是在当地硬是住了三个月, 不断磨练英文,从一九七八年来,到现在已届 20年了,老外看到我,总会以为我是从美国哪所学校毕业的,我常笑着回答:「我在台湾完成大学学业。」 找到兴趣后,确定全力以赴的方向,再慢慢来培养专长 。兴趣之中其实蕴含很强烈的人格特质,我个人以为, 人格特质决定人生努力主要道路。 有的人适合在实验室里做研究,我并不适合,但是,我没有放弃专长,担任总经理一职已有12个年头了,凭借着的就是我的专长(Competence)。 学校教授的东西,通常只是一块叩门砖,真正的学习一定要靠自己。 我出门时,背包里装的一定都是书籍,家里也都是各类的书,一有时间就看,不断地跟新知识,跟的快我就赢过别人 ,跟的慢我就可能输了。
Communication = 有效沟通
第二,要有沟通的能力( Communication)。如何作有效沟通,来表达你的理想与见解,这是一个大学问, 黑幼龙就掌握到这个市场。举个例子,我手底下大概有 40﹪人才,拥有博硕士学位,他们因着个人不同的经验,与我对话时,会mapping 自己的经验世界,用以了解我在讲什么;然而,他所接收到与我所指的方向,通常会有出入,这就要仰仗沟通能力。譬如说交谈时,我不只要确定你有没有完全了解,或者同不同意我的看法,这就是一个沟通的技巧 。在社会上成功与否,沟通是一种很重要的能力。
Cooperation = 统御融合
第三,是合作(Cooperation) 。如果只是一个人在某个角落埋头苦干,你的价值只有一个人;倘若你学会沟通,学会合作 ,那你就有机会成为统御一方的经理级人物。 当一个领导人,要有开阔的心。每个人要求与成就都不一样,想的更是不一样,你如何将这些个体的差异性融合起来(Cooperation),成就一股宏大的力量,如此才能成就 leadership。
所以说,在学校中要尽量参加社团,社团中有各院系的人,思想逻辑各擅胜场,他们不同的思考模式,往往会增加你对待事物的深度与广度。 过去,在主持「成大新闻」时,我们的使命感很强,这是人文面的;而在办「成功思潮」时,则是哲学逻辑面的。以前我在学校读心理学、社会学,该读的我都读了,再透过与许多人的接触,逐渐养成融合众家人才智能结晶的能力,欲在日后进入社会历练时很受用。不要将自己禁锢在一个领域,多去尝试接触不同科系的人,彼此交错影响之下,常常会造就出一个个伟大的灵魂来。
人文素养 & 生命深度
当一个人没有人文思考、人文素养的时候,他就只是一个机器人,欠缺生活品质的富裕度与丰富性 (richness )。物质上的富有,远不如心灵上的富有来得重要 ;我经常随身带着背包,在行道树间感受各地的人文面向。从事高科技的人看起来好象很忙碌,但我们的忙碌是有节奏性的,所以我不会觉得厌烦,我们晓得自己为何而忙。这一路走来这幺长远, 支撑我们的是生命的力量,是生命的丰富性,是人文的深度。我的生命之旅中,有几句鼓励自己的话:
第一,   学习是一种态度,我对自己的投资亳不吝啬,特别是在买书方面。
第二,  我会给自己规划许多时间读书,为了要求读书的效率,我选择付上代价,找间安静恬适的茶艺馆,给自己很好的最佳时间(quality time)去读书。读书是一种读者与作者间的对话, 重点不在读,而是在思考到底手上这本书,对你而言,代表什么意义,你要去思考,懂得反馈 (feedback )。读书重质不重量,我宁可一天只读半本书或一本书,然后好好告诉自己,读完这本书,我的生命、行为思考模式,会有多大的改变,进而增强自己生命的力量。我在高中、大学时代就经常买书,旧书摊我也常去。 现在我都上网订明天要出版的书,走在时代的最前端,不断跟着时代的脚步。一个人懂得去学习,懂得自己到底要什么,是很重要的 。
成功因子 = 3C + Feedback
成功人士的要件,取决于人格特质及专长,而不是派系,那是过去的年代独有的文化。现在要成功的因子也就是我之前谈到的3C (Competence、 Communication、 Cooperation)。这个社会瞬息万变,你不能说看谁当总经理你就往那靠,也许今天他红,明天换你红,或者我离开公司,可能老板变伙计,也说不一定。我常跟我的秘书说,不要特别去靠近谁,因为 你在公司的价值是你的value ,是你的专业。所以不要去拉关系,早一代的企业是靠关系,其实,日本那些最强调关系的企业,现在都瓦解了,比如说国际牌,上一代创办人关系都很好,下一代都没有了,声宝也是一样, 下一代着重的是能力。而且这个世界变化太快了,不会因为说我们关系良好,所以我什么事都找你,不会的。因为我要决定我们公司的命运,成功与否,是在于我的决策,我不会只找我的朋友,这是错误的,而是 去找最适当的人来合作,这样才有办法成功,否则都是拖累。要知道自己要是什么,或者说,对于自己在人生中的不同成长阶段缺乏什么,你要很清楚。你不能什么都要,你做不到的 。今天你问我,我的缺点是什么,我一清二楚。我将自己的缺点清楚写下,贴在我桌子前面,我怎么去改善,我很清楚。自己要有一个feedback( 回馈)系统,如果没有这个系统,那你跟普通人没有两样, 在外面车水马龙,若想要出类拔萃的话,你必须要知道自己的缺点在哪里 ,之后针对这些部分去改善。
曾经在书上看到这样一句话-- Fist things first,最重要的事情最先处理。我们人经常会逃避困难,总是将最困难的事情拖到最后才做,如果你有这种习惯的话,你的人生会过得很痛苦,假设说这个项目(project)期限是一个月的话,你大概一个月都没好日子过。但如果在第一天就把最困难的事情完成,那剩下二十九天就很快乐(enjoy),这就是我对付我自己的方法。当一个人慢慢越来越成熟的时候,做事情的模式就会固定。譬如说我昨天去看牙医,去医院之前我还特别再刷一次牙,但医生却告诉我没刷干净。 我一直用我自己的方法在刷牙,但从他的专业角度来看,我没有刷好。 所以,我们人在成长过程中,已经习惯一个工作模式、方法与过程(process)。但是,你不见得知道这个方法是对或错,这时你须要一个反馈系统(feedback system),由外人来feedback 给你,或者你自己来做feedback ,假使你知道自己在逃避,在 犯错误(do something wrong),你就要去思考。我常说, 读书不是最重要,最重要的是思考,因为在思考的过程中,你会对自己有commitment( 承诺) ,来采取行动改变你的行为。读书最重要的是将书本里的东西吸收变成你的。

August 21, 2008

   Tucked away in our subconsciousness is an idyllic vision. We see ourselves on a long trip that spans the continent. We are travelling by train. Out the windows, we drink in the passing scene of cars on nearby highways, of children waving on a crossing, of cattle grazing on a distant hillside, of smoke pouring from a power plant, of row upon row of corn and wheat, of flatlands and valleys, of mountains and rolling hillsides, of city skylines and village halls.
  But the uppermost in our minds is the final destination. On a certain day at a certain hour, we will pull into the station. Bands will be playing and flags waving. Once we reach there, so many wonderful dreams will come true and the pieces of our lives will be fit together like a completed jigsaw puzzle. How restlessly we pace the aisles, damning the minutes loitering, waiting, waiting, waiting for the station.
  "When we reach the station, that will be it", we cry. "When I'm 18", "When I buy a new 450SL Mercedes Benz", "When I put my last kid through collage", "When I have paid off the mortgage", "When I get a promotion", "When I reach the age of the retirement, I shall live happily ever after."
  Sooner or later, we must realize that there is no station, no one place to arrive at once and for all. The true joy of life is the trip. The station is only a dream. It constantly outdistances us.
  "Relish the moment" is a good motto, especially when coupled withe the Psalm 118:24:"This is the day which the Lord hath made, we will rejoice and be glad in it." It isn't the burdens of today that drive men mad. It is the regrets over yesterday and the fear of tommorrow. Reget and fear are twin thieves who rob us of today.
  So stop pacing the aisles and counting the miles. Instead, climb more mountains, eat more icecreams, go barefoot more often, swim more rivers, watch more sunsets, laugh more and cry less. Life must be lived as we go along. Then the station will come soon enough.







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March 21, 2008

Think a minute 想一分钟警句

People would usually accept your own estimate of yourself? In other words, they will give you the same worth you give yourself. So don’t sell yourself short!
If you want others to believe in you, you have to believe in yourself first. No one can make you feel inferior unless you let him.
Passion is believing and loving something no matter how hard it is to get there. It’s like a powerful river that will make its way through no matter what.   
Your real enemy is in your own mind. You see nothing can defeat or ruin your life more than your own wrong thinking about yourself.
When we compete only to win and beat the other person, it not only makes us bad losers, but also bad winners. That kind of competing only produces people with a bad heart and character, full of selfish, greed, pride, and jealousy.
Successful people look at life through a telescope and see how great it can be, but small, jealous people look at life through a microscope and only see the faults and mistakes of others. Being envious and jealous of others is just a slow method of suicide that’ll kill both your health and happiness.
We may all live under the same sky, but we don’t all have the same horizon. Expanding your horizons means choosing to see the bigger picture and opportunities for success all around you.
It is our pride that’s causes most of the problems in our life, our relationships in our family and with others. Our pride is the main reason we get hurt and angry!
You and I can never succeed in life without discipline and hard work. Cause it takes work and sweat to succeed in your job and career, in school, in sport, in your marriage and family.
Successful people do sweat the small stuff; they work hard at the details. That’s what makes them successful. But many times we just can’t be bothered to do our very best work.
Who uses 50% of their ability really stand out from the rest. And the very few who actually give their full 100% of strength and smarts to their work become the most successful.
We have to work hard and do what it takes to be in the way of luck and success when it comes. Otherwise, we’ll miss it because we weren’t ready.
Nothing can bring success like persistence. Talent cannot, for there are many talented people who are not successful. Education will not, for the world is full of educated losers. Only persistence and determination can give you the power to succeed.
We often think of great artists and musicians as being brilliant geniuses who just naturally and easily perform, without effort or practice. But the truth is most of them simply kept working hard every day until they finally produced their masterpieces.
If you want the rainbow, you’ve got to put up with the rain. You see it takes courage and strength to keep going toward your goal each time you fail. Failing should make us better not bitter.
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Success is no accident! It doesn’t just magically happen. You have to plan for it to happen. So why not start living your life on purpose? First dream it and then do it.
We have to learn to be comfortable with uncomfortable challenges, because we can’t discover new oceans unless we’ve got the courage to lose sight of the shore. We’ve got to believe that the best jobs haven’t been found yet.
The prize goes to the person who sees the future the quickest. And the best way to predict the future is to invent it. After all, if you don’t know where you’re going, how will you know when you get there? Dreams are what get you started, but discipline is what keeps you going all the way.
荣耀应属于那些最先看到未来的人。然而,预见未来的最好方法就是创造未来。总而言之,如果你不知道将去何处,怎么能知道何时到达呢? 梦想使你起跑,而自强不息却可使你跑完全程。
It’s important that we keep the main thing the main thing. And if you want to be successful in your job, business, or managing your family, or your studies, whatever we do, we must get the main thing done. Instead of wasting our time and energy doing things that aren’t that important.
If you expect the best from people, they’ll usually want to give you their best. Treat a person just how he appears to be on the outside, and you’ll make him even worse. But treat a person like he’s already a success, and you’ll help make him the best he can be.
If we want a good life, we need to be a good student of life, and realize we can learn something from everybody. In fact, it’s when we stop learning that we stop living.
Bad habits are like a comfortable bed: they’re easy to get into, but hard to get out of. First we make our habits and then our habits make us. In fact, we’re the only creatures who have the freedom and power to change and choose the kind of person we want to become.
It’s easer for people to make excuses so we don’t have to change. Even if changing means we will succeed and live our dream, most people still choose not to change. If you want to reach your potential and live successfully, you have to change.
       How many times did you really wanted something and didn’t get it, but instead you ended up getting something even better? So you were very happy and thankful you didn’t get what you first thought you wanted.
Many people believe in luck and superstitions. That kind of luck is not real and only happens by coincidence. But real luck brings opportunities for success and satisfaction that lasts. And the only way to be this lucky is to build your own good character and attitude every day.
The secret of lucky people is that they learn to control their feelings of being too shy and afraid or too angry. Controlling our negative emotions will give us much more self-confidence, and make us more positive and peaceful with other people.
Each day is made to have its own special experiences and memories of fun, love, or even lessons to learn. So grab and squeeze every bit of life you can out of today, cause this day will never come back! Do your best this moment, and you will be at best place for your next moment and opportunity.
It’s a choice decides so much about our life. The attitude we choose to have everyday is what makes the difference between our being happy and successful or not. Your attitude everyday makes all the difference in the world to your life. So no matter how bad things get, you still can choose.
Plant your thought and you’ll reap your action. Plant your action and you’ll reap your habit. Plant your habit and you’ll reap your life. Our bad habits pull us down like gravity. So breaking and changing those bad habits is not always easy.
We are what we think we are. If you don't think you'll be successful, you won't. You can't be it if you can't see it. Your life is limited to your vision. If you want to change your life, you must change your vision of your life.
Fear and worry is kind of like a rocking chair: it keeps you going, but you don't get anywhere! And if you can't help worrying, remember worrying can't help you either. Fear will often find proof for itself. If you're fearful, you'll find something to be fearful about.
So choose your friends carefully. Cause they will either make you or break you! Make sure your good friends are good people-who make you a better person. Friends are not just a way to get what we need.they ARE what we need!
Be yourself. Be an original! You really are one-of-a-kind. You're the first and last person who will ever be exactly like you. You're born an original, don't die a copy!

03:32 AM Jan 13 2009




02:13 AM Mar 21 2008


如果你不改变你的生活,它就停止不变,就这么简单。所以,从现在起你必须决定你的人生定位。如果你不改变思想,你就不能改变你的生活。伟大文学家托尔斯泰曾经说过“人人都想改变世界,但没人想改变自己”。所以,现在就问问自己为了改变自己的生活,我要做出什么决定。改变生活,请从现在开始!最后,同朋友们分享一句我认为颇有道理的话 “你的思想决定你的人生,你的工作态度决定你的事业可达到的高度”。

02:11 AM Mar 21 2008


Everyone wants to be the one they wish to. Many young  people wish to be a star like Andy Law, Jackie Chan,
or Kobe, Tracy, even Bill Gates. But think aminute: what you want to be them for? For money, for power, for

putting on public? They are not the real wills those who have already been stars ever wish to. They just had
passions to do their job. They just liked playing  football or bastetball. They were just willing to be an actor.
They all just did what they need to do and had a little chance to be the one. They also had to work hard.
They also had to struggle like what we do. Life is not waiting to be hitten by the pizza. It is hardworking and
never giving up.