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The New Guy

That Guy Owen

United States

July 14, 2009

There is a question that makes guy friends aka bros as i say wonder about what makes there friends girlfriend sexy to him if its not her body which to many guys is the first thing they look at but there are multiple reasons why certain females are so sexy even when its not their body:

1. the way a female talks or pronounces certain words may be really cute especially if they have an accent.

2. the way a female sleeps, eats, dances or even walks just the little things she does like a sway of her hair when she begins to peak is a great example you know john mayer said it best its just every little thing she does

3. Character and personality which is basicly the same is one of the main things consider and its right a persons character determines just how you can interact with that person in any situation.

thats just what i have found out personally or through friends throughout the years and it may not stand true to all but most people i talk to find it true

sincerly, that guy owen

05:10 AM Feb 14 2011

That Guy Owen
United States

Dont forget to check at my blog: Koolartistrymt.blogspot.com Im trying to get more friends and subscribers and friends up there as well but ill settle for your your views if you dont have much time But im trying to be the king of blogs up here so make sure you read up here as well this is where I got my start and I honestly love every last person who takes a minute out of there day to view my blog. Just makes sure to read on ebaby and at my blog: Koolartistrymt.blogspot com

July 14, 2009

I always knew girls who found bad guys attractive would eventually come 2 the good guys lol.

the major reasons are broken down into five reasons below and they are true and hilarious:

1. Good guys usually dont leave a good relationship for another hhhhhhottttttttt chick lol

2. Good guys are usually finacially stable and dont depend on you for everything

3. Good guys usually cant get you in a bad situation like a bad guy could example like a girl dating a pimp she's an eventual whore, girl dating a priest she's eventually blessed if not already and stable unlike the other situation lol

4. Good guys are mostly willing to give a relationship a second try if you have excuse my language fucked up b4 not saying a bad guy wouldnt but he would always throw it in your face as an excuse 4 anything think about it

5. Good guys are the new bad guy because of a young girls dream they usually get married and have successful and love filled marriages while the bad bad guys usually leave you at the alter probaly pregnant at the time hate to say lol or even if they do marry they usually end up cheating or getting divorced

sincerly, that guy owen

05:10 AM Feb 14 2011

That Guy Owen
United States

Dont forget to check at my blog: Koolartistrymt.blogspot.com Im trying to get more friends and subscribers and friends up there as well but ill settle for your your views if you dont have much time But im trying to be the king of blogs up here so make sure you read up here as well this is where I got my start and I honestly love every last person who takes a minute out of there day to view my blog. Just makes sure to read on ebaby and at my blog: Koolartistrymt.blogspot com

July 14, 2009

I have finally cracked the reason why guys find girls so confusing and ithe other way around as well and i can sum it up in 3 reasons:

In my case im a guy so im coming from a guys perspective but this apply's with girls finding guys confusing as well. The following are the main reasons 4 this confusion.

1. say they dont want to talk

A: they usually want control in an relationship and is willing to go to extreme heights with avoidance which in any cas heightens the intrigue and attraction in any kind of relationship.

2. say their not mad when its clear they are mad

A: People pull this bull to guilt trip the other person into falling into that persons trap and making them sorry even when there not to the point where that person gives into the other making the person who fell into that trap a puppet or putty in the other persons hand.

3. avoid people they like and dont like to extreme heights

A: like i said b4 avoidance heightens that passion of intrigue that sends your mind into a frenzy of attraction especially if  someone you like or likes you avoids you therefore making it clear in your heart but clouded in your mind to the point where you only think about that person

P.S: i ust felt like it needed 2 be said and if you dont understand it now think about and youll comprehend or get this later.


05:10 AM Feb 14 2011

That Guy Owen
United States

Dont forget to check at my blog: Koolartistrymt.blogspot.com Im trying to get more friends and subscribers and friends up there as well but ill settle for your your views if you dont have much time But im trying to be the king of blogs up here so make sure you read up here as well this is where I got my start and I honestly love every last person who takes a minute out of there day to view my blog. Just makes sure to read on ebaby and at my blog: Koolartistrymt.blogspot com