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December 20, 2009

When i am alone,it doesn't mean i dont miss you.

When i am alone,i am afraid of thinking of you.

When i am alone,if it was going to rain,it would remind me of why you didn't like the rainning day.

When i am alone,i play your song agian and agian.

When i am alone,i used to recall the distance between us,but we still could keep closely.

But now you just disappeared,i wanna say i hate you,because you left me alone without any notice.

When i am alone,it is easy to think of you.

When i am alone,it is hard to forget you.

When i am alone,it is tought to deal with anything without you.

When i am alone,i imagined any situations which would happen to you.

When i am alone,i pray to God,even if i never did before,but i do hope he can bless you well.

But i hate you,i hate you,i hate you,how much i hate you which means how much i love you.

December 16, 2009

Grief may be a thing we all have in common,but it looks different on everyone.Tt isn't just death we have to grieve,it's life,it's loss,it's change,and when we wonder why it has to suck so much sometimes,has to hurt so bad.The thing we gotta try to remember is that it can turn on a dime.Grief comes in its own time for everyone,in its own way,so the best we can do,the best anyone can do is try for honesty.The really crappy thing,the very worst part of grief,is that you can't control it.The best we can do is try to let ourselves feel it when it comes,and let it go when we can.The very worst part is that the minute you think you're past it,it starts all over again.There are five stages of grief.they look different on all of us,but there are always five"Denial,Anger,Bargaining,Depression,Acceptance."

December 14, 2009

It's the first day to snow,
the beautiful snowflake started to float down i suddenly saw you staying in front of me.

Tt's really you or it's just a dream?
i still remembered lots of things related about you till now
"the song you played piano for me,
we walked along lake with beautiful sunset .
when you hold my hand,the smile lifted up to your face"

I pray all the time,
hope god can send you back to me.

The smile you left behind keeping into my memory,

Did my dream come ture cause of the first snow by seeing u in that special street we used to walk?
or that was not my dream?
i was looking for you from this street to the next.
hope i could find any clue about you.like a scent.a breathe you left behind.
but ----

where are you ?

the Polaris
u taught me if i lost in the forest i cound use it to find way to out
cause u said the Polaris never change location
so why i follow it all the time still can not find you

04:52 AM Dec 14 2009

