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August 20, 2007

                   Protoss vs Terran,how?

  I shall admit that we  our P user met a professier T user, we feel very upset because their iron forces often making us can not do anything to slow their attrack, and this article is teeling you some methord on how shall we facing to our enemy!

  first ,let us analyze the iron force of Terran,

 Vulture HP 80, MP 0,damage 20,speaical to small unit

Mine  HP 20,MP 0,damage 125

Tank HP 150,damage 30,speaical to large unit

Golith HP 125,MP 0,(the only iron force can attrack air unit effectly)

So T user often build many tower to stop our attrack,and their siger tank often making our dragoon died without any damage to T`s force, and mine often make our Templar doing nothing,then how can we slove the problem?

First ,we use faster zealot to deal with their mine,and dragoon with obsever can make mine out of siger tank`s target doing nothing,and we shall use shuttel +reaver to damage their SCV,and Dark templar is sometimes a good choice.and when zealot met tank, our high templar can effectivly put their posconic storm on their tank.

then it came to staring, sometimes T user may use tank(often 1) and about 3 marines and 4 or 5 scvs and 2 or 3 vultures to do their first rush,then we use dragoons,about 2 or 3 can do this, but that is depend on your control,and do not use zealot ,facing to this ,they can donothing,and  T user often use goliths to attrack our carrier,so we shall use corsair+ carrier + zealot+Templar+Arebiter,corsair can stop goliths attrack soon , and facing zealot,mine often will help us and making much damage to their forces,so facing to protos  ,Golith is nothing!

Hoping for your comments!


August 20, 2007

    I have heard that you want something,work for it!but i believing that we shall grubby every chances to realize our dream, and this will the criticl thing we shall pay attention to!Every time ,we looking for our success,and sometimes ,it diapointting us ,so much so that ,we may never believing ourselves,but just thinking that,if you can not believe in yourself,how can you except others believe in you?and i  hunger for success,the good result is equal to hard work + grubby chances, looking at world around us ,oppounities exicts everyone!I hope everyone success ,and be my friends,we can communication with each other !