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| 05:52 AM Jul 12 2020



The German newspaper ‘Die Zeit’ says that the East of Africa, Southern Asia and some Arabic countries currently are plagued by huge masses of grasshoppers who in may found ideal conditions for their maggots to hatch. Now these maggots are fully grown and eat the entire harvest. Of course not too poor people from India or Saudi-Arabia can buy pesticides. But poor people – basically entire regions in Uganda, Yemen, Djibouti, Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia – can’t afford these things. Some fear that this will eventually lead to a famine.

| 02:34 PM Apr 17 2015



The news show “Tagesschau” says that due to violent conflicts in Yemen, Berlin decided to send a military plane to bring about 100 Germans living in Yemen to safety. The plane was heading for the nearest airport in Djibouti where said Germans should be save for now and probably will move on to the parts of Germany they came from.

| 11:09 PM Feb 24 2014



“National Geographic” estimates that each year about 100.000 refugees from other LDC’s – like Ethiopia for example – come to Djibouti, because there are many human-traffickers who smuggle them over to some wealthier countries. After all Djibouti is an LDC, too and thus it is only natural that here illegal traffic blooms.
The border police of course does their best to keep these refugees from entering the country, because not only do they kind of support the illegal human-traffic going on in this country, but as unemployed people who didn’t bring along much food they of course are forced to steal or they have to keep themselves alive by doing black labor – and Djiboutians fear that even though the money these illegal aliens earn is very little compared to Western European standards this cold weaken thir economy as these refugees of course plan on leaving someday and when they do they will take all the money they earned along. This fear could be reasonable or irrational. We can’t decide, but it gives this border police another reason to hold refugees back even by using firearms.
The worst and – from my point of view – most disturbing part of this article was when the author described that most refugees don’t even make it to this frontier as many die of thirst, hunger and ehaustion on their long and dangerous journey. For example there was a photograph that depicted what seems to be the corpse of a rather young gentleman lying in the middle of a desert-like area. The writer of this article said that the rags this corpse was wearing once had been ordinary clothes, but in his agony the African refugee had torn all of his clothes just before passing out and dying. This article says that there were other corpses lying around this particular one, too and they all looked alike – also with torn clothes and other clear signs of agony. Some of them even showed signs of being scavenged upon by scavengers like wild dogs or birds.
This article also makes it clear that each year hundreds of refugees share this fate – only nobody notices as they firstly usually lie around in impenetrable areas and secondly nobody even thinks about looking for them in this area.
Re-upload: I still say we shouldn’t give up on them. “http://www.wfp.org/countries/djibouti” and “http://www.actionagainsthunger.org/countries/africa/djibouti” belong to good organisations that try to help and you can support their work, too.

| 11:06 AM Jul 30 2011



“http://www.mcd.org/mission.html and“http://www.msf-me.org/en/mission/in-the-field/msf-projects-world-wide/djibouti-1.html are two organisations that at least try to provide them with medicine…However the life expectency of these people – 60 years – is unusual long for a LDC.
Still education causes a huge problem – like in any other of the Least Developed Countries.“http://www.aed.org/Projects/DESO.cfm” belongs to an organisation that helps.

| 02:18 AM Jul 03 2011



According to the website where I found it, this photo shows street children in Djibouti. The following website belongs to a well-known organisation that tries to bring them human rights.-the rights that are quite self-evident for us, but not for them: “http://www.amnesty.org/en/how-you-can-help”.
( reuploaded )

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