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| 06:59 AM Dec 30 2018



‘Doctors Without Borders’ now announced that to stop the almost uncontrollable spread of Ebola in Congo they meanwhile even started using medicine against this disease that in fact is still being tested as doctors aren’t sure about the efficiency or side-effects of these pills yet.

| 05:53 PM Nov 17 2018



The latest episode of the German TV-show ‘Abenteuer Leben’ airing on ‘Kabel1’ talked about the Congolese ‘Women’s Tech Cooperation’ which hires poor single women to work in their production of robots functioning as street cops.
The initial motivation as well as the reason for their success are:
>There are only 74 stoplights in the entire country due to a lack of money.
>Many people don’t even understand street signs, written warnings or stoplights. After all they never went to school.
>These robots have cameras and automatically send footage to regular police stations so people get arrested for breaking the rules.
>Most police officers are rather corrupt and use their position to make people give them money. You can’t blame them. Their wages are very low and most of them don’t even get paid on a regular base.
>As regular buses or trains are too expensive for most people there are people who earn their living by buying old wrecked vans from the EU so as to use them as buses. These cheap buses are called ‘Death Ghosts’ for a reason. Many of these old vans are damaged one way or another, there are passengers sitting on the roof or clinging to the back, windows are mere holes with or without glas that initially didn’t even belong to this car and not even the gasoline comes from serious sources, but was sold by self-proclaimed street vendors.
>Especially during the rainy season the situation is too big for police officers to handle. Potholes and missing menhole covers become invisible beneath deep dirty water and many dead cars block the streets after water enters the exhaust.

| 07:31 PM Oct 06 2018



‘Domradio’ says that just a few more days until both Nadia Murad and the Congolese doctor Denis Mukwege will receive this year’s Nobel Peace Prize.
Nadia Murad is a Yeside Lady who was physically and mentally tormented by IS-fighters for speaking out against them. Doctor Denis Mukwege on the other hand treats traumatized and often gravely injured women in this hospital of his. There even are times when he meets 10 victims of sexual assault a day.

| 04:16 AM Sep 08 2018



‘Domradio’ says that the region around the Chad-Lake – involving the Chadian Republic, Nigeria and Congo – faces many problems that are mostly ignored by our media, but now will probably receive more attention as Nigeria hosted an international conference this week deciding about the future of this region:
>People in these countries flee or get chased away (for example by Boko Haram) to large cities where they are save in a large crowd of people. This leads to urban areas being deserted. This however weakens the agricultural sector. In addition to that this means that there also are extremely poor people in the largest cities of these countries as they had to flee their urban homes without any goods or even just a plan. It’s getting harder to offer access to clear water, hygienic articles or education for all of them – refugees and regular citizens alike.
>Due to a high crime rate the government of each of these countries sometimes orders soldiers to guard farmers while they do their harvesting…or even at night to protect them while they sleep. During this time the soldiers can’t do anything else.
>Due to a lack of food and medicine in these countries there are refugees who deliberately go to dangerous regions as they know that these at least get provided by aid-organizations from the West.

| 03:29 PM Aug 26 2018



‘Domradio’ says that for 300.000 people in Congo the situation is still life-threatening due to the most recent outbreak of ebola.

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