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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

January 31, 2015

January 31, 2015

a letter for you

a letter for you

January 31, 2015

be unique and of course positive:)

February 1, 2015

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| 12:30 PM Feb 03 2015


United States

Context. Keep things in context always.
I meant that if people in the USA regarded insults such as “death to America” the way some Muslims regard cartoons and movies, we’d probably riot and kill people over that chant. In the way that certain Muslims have done over movies, cartoons, or just general misunderstandings over cultures.
The culture is different here. Such things do not happen here over trivialities like cartoons OR chants.
Surely that’s obvious. Since only one group on earth routinely riots over cartoons, that is the group I named. No other reason.
With us, it was the government that used to say “death to Iran” (and mean your government), didn’t that bother you when they did?
The hatred is from you guys alone. They need you to think we hate you too, but we don’t care.

| 12:12 PM Feb 03 2015


Iran, Islamic Republic Of

and why you said(If we were Muslim we’d probably riot and kill people.)?

| 12:05 PM Feb 03 2015


Iran, Islamic Republic Of

dear joe i saved most of your comments. those are really valuable to me and i try to understand them. just a native american can speak like that. i enjoy reading your comments. but sometimes it`s pretty hard to me to read them. but anyway it challenges me.

| 11:48 AM Feb 03 2015


Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Well WobblyJoe, thank you for your comment. I read it twice to understand well but I think there are still a few lines that i need to think more deeply about them.

| 10:31 AM Feb 03 2015


United States

Well, Gordo, maybe I should explain to you then! You could have just asked me but whatever…
Why am I on so much? Because I’m bored. I have a job with strange hours, my grown kids are rarely home and my wife works hours that conflict with mine.
I live in farm country in the middle of the USA and the only people from other countries that I know here have left those other countries, usually because they didn’t like them as well. To meet Iranians who are fair to Iran, online is the best place to be.
So why the Iranians?
We teeter on the brink of war with your nation and have done so for several years now. I guess I could be talking to a Canadian instead but frankly, we would agree on most things and laugh at each other on the rest. There is depth in the problems of the US and Iran. Depth and history. It is more interesting.
I have also discovered that in my opinion (only mine), Iran is the most like us among the ME Muslim nations. They have a beautiful civilization, an ability to think critically about things that emotionally they might initially disagree with, and they have enough infra-structure that the regular Iranians don’t want war any more than we do. I like Iranians. I like the pictures of Iran that they send me. We don’t always agree, but we’ve managed to generally respect one another.
You are also from Iran, your quotes are therefore valid in a discussion with another Iranian about Iranian views. It is logical to say “an Iranian says” when you, an Iranian, say something.
Oh, and I’m NOT all over this place. Look at where I’ve actually posted and see who the person who posted is. (Except for poor Eva, bless her- I was just teasing Oscar and Revival and we kept going.)
So why politics and religion?
I have found that there are people who like talking politics and religion on here. As subjects that matter to them, it moves them beyond just repeating cute phrases in English. They must think about actual meanings.
It might be a level or two above your proficiency and so might be irritating you on that count.
Esoteric beliefs are even harder than humor to understand in other languages. Compared to religion, math is for babies when it comes to the skills needed to translate meanings.
The places I post aren’t “public” posts in the sense that as the original poster, Revival can delete any or all of my comments at will. Revival is in charge on this picture.
Hope that answers your questions about me, you could have just asked.