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English Talk

What are differences between "die of" and"die from"?



I do not know it clearly,I need you help!

12:54 PM Jan 01 2008 |

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United States

It's mostly a question of where you were raised. I'm from the northwestern U.S. and have always heard and say "die from":

She died from old age.

He died from cancer.


I recognize as correct:

She died of old age.

He died of cancer.


but would probably not form it that way. In other parts of the U.S., however, "died of" seems to be  the common form.  It just depends of which part of the U.S. you're from. I can't speak for England, Australia etc.


03:59 PM Jan 02 2008 |



die of mean a person go to death because his inner reasons.For example disease.While die from mean a person go to death because the outer reasons.For example earthquake,hurricane.

12:10 PM Oct 07 2012 |




Thanks for sharing this post. DONKEY, thanks to you, I learned the differences between both of them as well allthough we hardly pay attention to these kinds of differences. Now, I also got that “die off (internal)”, and “die from (external).”

08:04 PM Sep 16 2015 |