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Life Talk!

Do you believe in God?




i think everone asked themself : "Does God exist?" One say that -yes….another that no! What's your opinion about that? And if u believe in God in what God exactly do u belive!?

05:20 PM Apr 05 2008 |

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M. Augustus

United States

This one's the most tired argument in the book, Cynthia.  YOU say that God created humans, animals, plants, etc.  So my question for you is, what created God?  Did He create Himself? 

Same argument.  Only our version of it doesn't require a pre-existent or self-originating super-being, and is falsifiable.

04:07 PM Apr 09 2008 |

M. Augustus

United States

"Are you happy with your life? What do you believe in?"

I won't presume to speak for Blake, who is of a different breed of atheist than I (far more attached to logic and reason as absolute guides, while I am not – and I have occasional deist sympathies.)

But as an atheist of a more poetical bent, I am very happy with my life.  I 'believe' in no supernatural, meddlesome omnipotent entities – I 'believe' in mankind's potential and the value of freedom and individuality.

I frequently experience what some might call 'spiritual' feelings, when I view one of the more breathtaking sights of the natural world or consider the rhythms of a particularly beautiful Homeric line – or even particular parts of the book of Psalms.  But I do not take any of these things as proof (for they are not) of a God's existence. 

04:20 PM Apr 09 2008 |

M. Augustus

United States

Dude.  I'm going to leave a more thorough refutation of your points to someone more trained in biology (I am not.)

But two elementary points.

1.  First of all, your math is WAY off.  2×2x2×25,000 = 8×25,000 = 200,000 = 2×105 It is nowhere NEAR the absurd figure of 107000 you propose.  Sorry, but you should check your work before you hand in your paper.  No partial credit.

2.  Even if there are unexplained parts of evolutionary theory now, it does not mean they are 'unexplainable'.  And the alternative solution you propose is way more complicated, and introduces way more unanswerable questions and logical inconsistencies than Darwinism.  Don't fight us on scientific grounds – the Theory of God will ALWAYS lose that fight.

05:49 PM Apr 09 2008 |



Athiests are trying to convince themselves that there is no GOD.

06:51 PM Apr 09 2008 |



Yes I do!


Proud Student of Open English 

07:30 PM Apr 09 2008 |



Those thousand gods could be just the thousand names different societies have given to the same god through human history. So differences depend on the perception from each culture in each moment of that history. As i said, i believe all we have is a little idea about God

09:25 PM Apr 09 2008 |

farid manouchehrian

Iran, Islamic Republic Of

I think If you believe god , god is here for you and for your life. If you dont believe god , god is n't for you. every thing depend on your mind. 

09:39 PM Apr 09 2008 |



I still believe in God!Laughing

09:41 PM Apr 09 2008 |


United States

Well there's 25,000 genes, so each could be on or off. So there's 2×2 x 2×25,000 times. Well that's 2 to the 25,000th. Right? Which is something like 10 to the 7,000th. Okay? There's only 10 to the 80th particles in the whole universe. ARE YOU STUNNED?"

  RYO23T  r u   einstein, :O.. seriously didnt understand wht you want to prove. 10 to power of 80 particles in the whole universe. It will be better if you could add some more information

01:11 AM Apr 10 2008 |




Interesting..There are a lot of people who doesn't believe in God..But there is a wonderful arrangement in cosmos..And they are not a chance event..

I believe in God of course.!!   Allah (God)  always see, hear, and know all of thing..!! and Allah is watching us.!!

03:54 PM Apr 10 2008 |