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Dalai Lama ChinaOlympics?



Dalai Lama ChinaOlympics

I don't know who set up the above website and I don't know why it is allowed to be advertised  by Englishbaby. I can't understand why Dala lama was awarded the Nobel Price. 

Every coin has two sides. There is a letter being exhibited in a Tibetan museum, if the letter is not faked, saying “为达赖喇嘛念经祝寿,急需湿肠一付、头颅两个,各种血、人皮一整张,望即送来。”《热不典头目》(i try to translate the words into English: Fresh intestines,two skulls,all sorts of bloods and a complete skin of an adult man are badly needed on a religious ceremony to celebrate the birthday of Dala Lama."

I don't know for sure whether this Dala is the same Dala mentioned in the above letter

If you really care about Tibetans' human right, try to find the answer yourself.happened in Tibet

Last time I watched an interview with Dala. When he was asked his comment on the recent riot which left many people dead , I clearly tell there was a faint smile on his face.

06:11 AM Apr 14 2008 |

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But he is camouflage very good in West.

08:04 AM Apr 14 2008 |




We will start with a breve issued by Dalai V," The people in Tibet must obey my rules. If you want to look for the freedom and comfort again, I will authorize to obtruncate your heads, chop off your feet, excavate your eyes,beat you and kill you."This breve had been always repeated by the following dalais.(so including this dalai. the one who was awarded Nobel Prize.)

In order to congratulate on Dalai's birthday, the staff in Gyudmed Tantric University will recite the sutra of No.15. Thus we need one wet gut, two skulls, different kinds of blood and a totally peeled skin. " This letter was sent by the old Tibet goverment to 热不典头目 in the early 1950 and it is still conserved in the Archives Center of Tibet Autonomy Area.( this dalai's time)


02:06 PM Apr 14 2008 |




you wrote: Why do Chinese people continue the barbaric ritual of foot-binding?

 We didn't and especially after the fundation of PRC the chinese government abolished  the barbaric ritual of foot binding.

Still, this government got rid of the feudal serf system in Tibet. 

 You wrote:"By the way, skytoucher, on another Tibet-related thread you made the point that international community is right, so it must be right about the Dalai Lama – making you and your government wrong. "

Why it must be right about the dalai? International community including all countries around the world besides major nations like USA, Britain, French German.

As to Dalai's issue, I admit they have the same agreement. But what about the others countries?


02:26 PM Apr 14 2008 |



United States

I guess the question is: What does the Dalai Lama have to do with the Olympics? Nothing, it seems to me.


09:40 PM Apr 14 2008 |



I don't know who set up the above website and I don't know why it is allowed to be advertised  by Englishbaby.


Most of ebaby's ads are from google adsense. English Baby has little control over the ads that are placed. The ads placed by google adsense are context-based. In other words if the words China, Tibet, Olympics, etc appear on a webpage, it's more likely to see ads related to those topics.


I guess if you don't want to see those ads, you could ask your government to censor websites that get revenue from google adsense.


Or you could write to Ebaby and ask them to discontinue ads or send them a list of websites you think they should not accept ads from.  

01:47 AM Apr 15 2008 |



United States

Or you could just ignore it. You don't have to read everything that you see.

04:11 AM Apr 15 2008 |




I typed the same key words as you and found quite a few.Are you in China?

In old Tibetan they used HUMAN BEING's skin, skull, thigh, boold ,etc besides animals'

I need to provide more evidence? Pictures, Videos and something substancial are right there exhibited in Museum. And some serfs are still alive right here in Tibet. As time pass by there will be fewer and fewer withnesses. Go and find the evidence youself. You won't believe what I say, in your subconsciousness, you wouldn't like to believe what I say because,you firmly believe  i was brainwashed.

04:45 AM Apr 15 2008 |




Dalai Lama should have had nothing to do with Olympics,but this time in Beijing Olympics he is playing a leading  role.

04:47 AM Apr 15 2008 |