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Life Talk!

My sweet family (members of Ebaby site) let's us discover the world togther ???? COME ON Enlighten yourself




HI people,,,,,,,,,,,

HI for people  who still living

HI for people who still on the ground and not in the ground…(( imagine that))

HI for people who do not know why they are  in this world

today i would like to talk  about a subject that may visit your mind once, twice, or many times.

be honest with yourself that we do not know everything about  this strange world

do not believe a person who said i know everything

there will be no difference even though he\she is a scientist 

still what we had discovered and learned it now is just like a point in a sea.. (are u agree with me)

from this point of view let's us discover more about this life

come on we have to thanks englishbaby site that it provide a place to express what you are feeling and what is going in our small brain … ( may be cooking some ideas to make a new mixture of thoughts, so don't be selfish we need to learn to discover and to exchange our ideas)

so let's us discover this world together  ( ooooooook ??)

today i was chatting with a friend who is from different country and different continent.

i asked her do u know Islam? she did not any thing a bout it

how many of you knew only the world but do not know it's content?

how many of you associate islam with Terrorism?

as we are all like a family for englishbaby site our agreement is to discover  the world togther right???

this time we want to discover about a religion which is Islam

next time we will talk about other religions and u can proposed any one.

first we want to know about this religion

and then discover other religions …....etc 

and then i want you to choose the best one that do you think 

i want to make u active

start from now every one go and research about today's subject ( islam) 

do not say that u re busy or u don't have time

share us what u find

it is ok if u say only one sentence

 listen i will give u a sweet if u did your homework Wink

this topic may be is new for some one and not for others

ooooooooooh people i'm so sorry for this long introduction

i will start with the new topic Islam.

i had researched a lot and found these Precious information ( look i'm the most active one i had  brought to you a useful information for u my family, so the sweet will be for me this time Laughing )

i know u will say oh this girl is so talkative but i'm one of your family and u have to bear me Smile

this is what i had found ( i had copy it because i think it is  useful for u and may answered your questions) ::

" Islam in general refers to the religion which God Almighty sent His Prophets to teach mankind: The

worship of the One God alone (pure Monotheism) while submitting to God's will in gratitude for being given l

ife and innumerable blessings." 

"Choosing your Religion"   
"Each child is born in a state of "pure monotheism", then his parents make him a Jew, Christian or another religion” (Bukhari)
According to this statement of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), everyone enters this world with the basic knowledge of the oneness of God and the difference between right and wrong. Of course after being born innocent, we are all then subject to the influence of our family and society at large. If a child is born to non-Muslim parents then it can be assumed that they will raise their child according to their own system of belief. The child has no say in the matter until they reach the age of discernment. However, all humans are born with the instinctive attachment to God without the influence of doctrine. This spirituality draws them closer to the Creator of this World. For many, this inclination opens their eyes and causes them to reflect upon the validity of their own beliefs. It also empowers them to ask questions and seek knowledge to ensure that they are following the correct path of righteousness.

The right to choose our own religion is the most powerful choice any of us can make. Some humans choose to believe and worship in a certain manner because that is what they saw their parents doing. Others turn down the misguided path of Atheism, perhaps, because they have become disillusioned with religion altogether or because a smooth-talking scientist caught their attention with their assertions that this World merely evolved by chance. Even a child could make an argument to refute this claim that has taken, so-called, scientists years to formulate. For example, if a child indiscriminately throws several building blocks into the air, the blocks land randomly to the floor. The blocks don’t land in the formation of a perfectly stacked building! Neither do they land in any form whatsoever. The same thing goes for the universe. We see a vast system of complex organization, especially here on the Earth. Everything is explicitly planned and structured according to a plan. So, who planned it all?

The Planner

The answer to who planned this Universe and everything in it can be found in your own heart. Why does your heart beat? If you ask a Scientist he will say that it is electricity from your brain. But where did that electricity come from? Are you plugged into something? How do our bodies function at all? The stomach digests food more efficiently than any manmade machine ever could. Everything that exists, whether it is the human body or the stars in the sky, was intelligently designed by the command of the Most Wise and Gracious Creator.

The Reality

In His infinite Love, Compassion and Beneficence, God Almighty sent Prophets (pbut) to guide humanity to live a spiritual life of worship and piety towards others. He supported His Prophets (pbut) with miracles to shake man out of his slumber and open his eyes to their Lord. These miracles have been recorded in all the books of God and prove that there is a Master Creator who not only created this Universe but has complete control over it. God created the Laws of Nature and can change them at will.

Seekers of truth often reach a point of confusion upon realizing that believers of every religion, sect or philosophy all claim to have the one and only correct ideology. For those who believe in God there are only three possibilities:

-Everyone is right.
-Everyone is wrong.

-Only one is right and the rest are following religions that have been tainted by the hands of man.

However, everyone cannot be right since each religion differs from the other in their basic foundations. Every religion views the nature of God and how we relate to Him differently. Similarly, everyone cannot be wrong. Many people believe that all religions are wrong because of the evils of man who happened to claim religion. As a result, many humans have followed a path of Atheism or left it up to themselves to determine who Allah is and how He should be worshipped. That’s why God sent Muhammad (pbuh) with the Qur’an as the last chance for mankind to get it right and worship the One and Only God who has no partner in His divinity or dominion. Even critics of Islam have no choice but to concede to the fact that the Holy Quran is the only Scripture that has not been tampered with and is in agreement with modern science.

God Almighty has provided us with guidance to lighten our path and lead us back to Him. We innately lack the knowledge and wisdom to hold such a responsibility by ourselves. God is most perfectly Just. He has given us a chance to make our lives full of purpose during our time on Earth so that we can be judged fairly on the Day of Judgment.

The reality is that only one religion can be right. Indeed God sent Prophets to all people throughout the ages. It was the responsibility of religious leaders to preserve the scriptures and apply their laws from Prophet to Prophet and nation-to-nation. No doubt they failed. Muslims believe that God revealed the same religion to each Prophet. That religion was Islam, which means to submit to the Will of God and seeking His Forgiveness in sincere repentance when coming up short.

Other religions are called by different names like Judaism and Christianity. However, these names are manmade labels. In the Bible, for example, there is not an instance where Jesus (pbuh) refers to his religion as ‘Christianity’. Islam means to live in submission to the One and only God. I ask the sincere reader who believes in Prophets, Did those Prophets teach anything else but living a life seeking to please God in submission to His will? Of course they did. The Holy Qur’an repetitively states that the Prophets called mankind to Islam.

Clearing your Prejudices 

For seekers of the truth, when choosing your own religion consider these points:

-God gave us the ability and intellect to make this crucial decision, hence it is our decision and we don't need our parents, family, or society to make it for us.

-God did not leave us to go astray without any guidance. Indeed, He sent us Prophets (pbut) with scriptures to show us the right path. The proof of this is in the various miracles performed by these Prophets (pbut), which have been recorded throughout time.

-Seeking the pure message of God is vital as all humans will be called to account for their chosen faith and actions in life, which will inevitably determine thier eternity.

-One can only make a fair rational decision in seeking the right religion if emotions and prejudices, which often blind one to the truth, are put aside.

Is Islam Right for You?

You may have never thought that one day you would be able to change the religion your parents taught you about. Remember that nothing is set in stone and you have a right to believe as you see fit. When thinking about Islam for your religion, consider these facts about it:

* Islam is consistent with logic and rational thinking.

* Islam opens the door for anyone to challenge its authenticity. It also provokes you and shows you how to challenge it, that you may achieve certainty in it.

* Islam provides the needed answers for all important and fundamental questions concerning God, the purpose of life, and the Hereafter.

* Islam is supported by contemporary miracles and proofs. For example, the Holy Quran that was revealed 1,400 years ago reveals innumerable miracles that are 100% compatible with recently established science. Read "The Bible, the Quran, and Science" by Maurice Bucaille who accepted Islam after researching for this book.

* Islam combines the awareness of the Hereafter with our daily lives making a strong bond between the two through our sense of accountability.

* Islam is more than a "religion" in common terminology. It truly is a comprehensive system of life with a detailed law and ethical system. It establishes systems for worship, family living, government, politics, education, economics and social relations.

* Islam is based on a established system of law founded on authentic texts (statements of God and His messenger). It is not based upon human emotion, philosophies or religious hierarchies that have no solid foundation in authentic revelation.

* Islam encourages people to seek knowledge and contribute to the world.

* Islam provides true equality, solving the age-old problems of race and gender. Islam treats all believers as equals irrespective of race, gender, nationality, or social status.

The choice is yours to make. Don’t rely on what others say or be afraid to forge your own path. Take a chance read through our website and get an English translation of the Holy Qur’an to truly discover what Islam is really all about!



REFERENCES: http://www.thelastingmiracle.com/eng/article.aspx?id=1&cat=1

 do u disagree when i said the sweet is for me ?? Smile

now tell me what do u think share us your feeling and if you have more information lets us know them

people the information  should be intact and from trust referances

do not tell us wrong information

that's all for today

Best wishes 









09:55 PM Sep 21 2008 |

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hiii  levicantu

Thank u very much for sharing ideas

i think u understand the article wrong

First point:Each child is born in a state of "pure monotheism", and then his parents make him a Jew, Christian or another religion”This hadith does not means that all children born as Muslims. But they had born with believing of the existence of only one God. Pure monotheism does not mean that u re Muslim .there are some religion that believe on one God.Ok think rationally and from the current reality, a lot of people said I do not believe on God. i believe on myself only BUT why when they feel in a danger and there was no way to survive they said oh GOD help me please..At this point, why they recognized there is only one God that could help them!!! Why they did not ask themselves if they believe on themselves to survive without help of GOD.DO THINK THAT THEY WERE BORN WITH PURE MONOTHEISM??DO THINK BECAUSE OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS MAY CHANGE OUR BELIEVES?!!CAN our parents change our thought and believes bcoz they re our parents, we will feel that they are right and can't be wrong ( see your self when u was a child did u believe what your parents believe and why)About PolytheismOk u talked about something happened may be thousands of years ago. First think logically how does u think will they believe?bcoz of that  age, they are considered as ignorant and can't extend their thinkingIn that time what u finds?If u read about them, they worship people like them, trees, the moon, the sun, fire, animals ,idols and other simple things that people in this age impossible think of them and consider it as abnormal behavior .DOES U THINK THAT IS BECAUSE OF THEIR ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS?They have small brains, how do u except that they can believe only in one GOD that they cannot see it and are not in front of their eyes? That’s bcoz of the way of their thinking they can't believe on a one GOD which is not in front of them. So u finds they consider the sun, the moon, the fire …etc as a GOD for them.The second point:The Islam disagree the idea what some scientist said that the world exists by a chance and no one create it. If u has many building blocks and u throws them, does that mean a huge building will be build in front of you by a chance?!!! See your home is it exists by a chance??Or the builder builds it??So this universe with its complexity does it exists by a chance??!!  It should be there is a creator who makes this universe.Imagine the complexity of the system of this universe. All in these galaxies which are created in a systemic way prove that there is a god who control this life. The day and night, the rain, the growing of small plant to become a huge plant, the cycle life of humans from fetus to old person….etc. Are all that systemic things were here without any one  who control them?!!!!.IS IT EXISTS BY A CHANCE????!!If a new object or a machine, which no one in the world has ever seen or heard of before, who is the first person who will be able to provide details of the mechanism of this unknown object??First Existence of God. Behind every invention there is an inventor. Its not like that one morning you woke up and you find, for e.g. a TV or a Refrigerator, anything in front of you. Someone has invented it. Now have you seen any complex machinery like Humans itself? It is not created by itself. SOMEONE has created it and with a purpose and we call Him Allah (God). Now, to run any machinery you need an operating manual, otherwise you will ruin it. Quran is the operating manual that Allah has given us in which he mentions Do's and Don'ts in our life. Choice is ours.  The question is why would you believe in Quran? Quran is a living miracle on earth. I can challenge you to point out any single verse from the Quran which is again the humanity or any single error, whether scientific, mathematical or any kind. Science, which is proving things today, has already mentioned in the Quran sent 1400 years ago. About 80%  of the things that have been mentioned in the Quran has been scientifically proved as of today. Rest 20% science so far not able to prove them, but we cannot say that they are wrong. We simply can say we do not know about them.  So what would you say about a thing which is proved 80% correct and 20% of which you do not know. Logically and matter of common sense that if 80% is proved true than remaining 20% must be also true. And my dear friend that 20% include about spirits and life after death. And we believe that.In a book called "A Brief History of Time", the former confirmed Atheist scientist Stephan Hawking (and I'll tell you why I say "former") said:

"If the rate of expansion one second after the big bang had been smaller by even one part in a hundred million, the universe would have recollapsed before it ever reached its present size." (page 126)

Tell me something, who set that accurate rate of expansion?

This award-winning scientist tells you that the universe
was a result of a systematic big bang, not a chaotic bang!

Chaos does not create system!

So, someone must have made the big bang and made sure that
the resulting expansion was made at a set rate, no more
and no less!

Who set that rate?

Now, what was there before the big bang?

Let's go back to Hawking (who by the way is considered a
bigger genius than Einstein!). What has he to say about

In the same book and on page 121, he says:

"At the big bang itself the universe is thought to have
zero size"

Zero size?!

What does it mean?!

Zero means zero!

In other words, he is telling you that before the big bang
there was NOTHING.

Now, as a sane human being, do you really believe that
NOTHING can create something?!!

I'll leave the answer to you.

It's time now for me to tell you why I called Stephen
Hawking a "former confirmed atheist" in the beginning.

Listen to him and you'll know why; he says on page 126 of
the same book about the laws that run the universe:

"These laws may have originally been decreed by God"

No comment from me!

Now, we agree that there is a Maker for this universe,
it could not have created itself from NOTHING and the laws
that followed its beginning are systematic and uniform.

In other words, there had to be God, because as you can
see, ruling God out is UN-scientific.

So, if there is a God, then who created that God?

Before I answer you, let me ask you: How do computers work?

They work according to what is called a binary system,
consisting of codes constructed from zeros and ones.

Now, does the maker of computers (man) work according to
binary system as well? Do zeros and ones what make you and
me tick?

Of course not!

So, as you can see the maker of something does NOT
necessarily work according to the laws of the things it
made, because after all he was the inventor of those laws.

So, by the same token, just because according to the laws
of this physical world, everything is made by something
higher (the binary system of this world) does not mean
that the Maker of this world must have someone higher who
made Him. After all it is He Who made the laws of this
world and He doesn't have to go by them, just like humans
(makers of computers) don't go by the binary system which
they made themselves.

Simply stated, God is the Creator. He is Uncreated,
because the laws of His creation do NOT apply to Him,
since He was the Maker of those laws in the first place!

God Almighty poses this question to you in the Holy Qur'an:

"Or were they created by nothing, or were they the
creators (of themselves)? Or did they create the heavens
and the earth? Rather, they are not certain."
(52:35, 36)Dear lavicantu that’s what some scientist said and their words is proving of what ALAH said in his book the holy Quran before 1400 years ago.So the Islam is against scientists who only said the world is created by chance. sorry i have not read the other points bcoz i had exams next two weeks.but i will come back again after finishing my exams.i think i had answerd some of the other points.if not could u plz copy them and write what u want to know more about islam, bcoz i'm sure that u may change your ideas after reading.so if u have any doubt tell me :)best wishes             

01:08 AM Sep 23 2008 |




hiiiiiiii again about the split of the moon

i talked bout this before plz visit this site




01:31 AM Sep 23 2008 |