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Life Talk!

Stupid or Noble?




Well, I had this guy knocking at my door the other day, looking so worried and desperate, confused and stuttering, who introduced himself as my neighbor and said they had to take his brother to the hospital urgently and they were waiting for the ambulance. He didn't speak good Greek (I live in Greece) and it took me some time to understand what he was talking about, but it proved to be that he needed 15 euros. I didnt have exactly 15 so I gave him 50. he offered to come back and give me the change, but I insisted that he take care of his brother first and   come back later. Well, the guy never came back. lol I felt like, I should've known better. But on the other hand, I imagined myself in his shoes. What if I was in such need, compelled by circumstances to knock on someone's door for help.

07:56 AM Oct 03 2008 |

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  You helped him according to his condition  and Its the main character of human which differs him from other creatures, For own sake all creatures live.

  According to me you are noble and you did right thing and hopefully you will get reward for it.

   May be he was not in condition to return your money etc.


12:59 PM Oct 03 2008 |



Follow your heart! Just believe what you believe and simple the affairs.

02:40 PM Oct 03 2008 |




Noble but a bit naive.


In this case it was just money, but please be more careful when someone wants to enter your house for using the phone for an emergency. It wouldn't be the first case of rape that happens that way.


Also, report it to the police, good chance he does this on a regular basis and he did this to more people in your neighborhood.



03:25 PM Oct 03 2008 |




Thank you very much guys.

now, that's the thing. you know all this, you know exactly what's going on. you've heard of it , it's all over the place, news etc. You're watching this movie and you go…my goodness, how can she be so stupid, why is she letting him in or opening the door. You realize that you may be acting silly in a way but still you're overwhelmed by assumptions like, what if he's really in need and i didnt help and next thing, i hear about his death on the news or something. And i know that's exactly what these people count on when they approach you that way.

The truth is that, it IS dangerous. It's not like I don't know that. Just that thousands of thoughts run through your mind at that time. I got scolded for this by friends and family. My mom ran over when i shared this with her over the phone and started: thank god you gave him money and he went away, or else who knows what he might be capable of etc etc

where i live, is a comparatively secure place to be, no matter it being a big city and all. folks don't lock their doors. i'd left my car unlocked, parked in the street in front of my building, for a whole night, for example, and it was still there in the morning lol. i had forgotten my pda in a taxi once and the guy contacted me through friends' phone numbers saved  in it and brought it back to me without even expecting anything in return. i had ran out of gas and a guy stopped by and offered to go and get me some gas and refused that i pay for it,and again without expecting anything in return …so i guess i've just started trusting people more than what is necessary.

anyway, i 've learned my lesson, hopefully. but i wish there was a way of helping, so you won't have your conscience get at you later, without compromising your safety….

08:42 PM Oct 03 2008 |




I'm really happy for you that you live in such a nice community. I didn't knew places like that still existed. :)

When its good people that are in need of help I am sure that they will be understanding about the safety of a girl alone, when someone wants to use the phone you can offer to call the number for them, when someone is hurt you can tell them you will call an ambulance or taxi, good people will understand that you have to be careful. It is sad that you have to think this way these days. It is a good thing to help people but your safety comes first.


Aside from that it is nice to see that there is still some idealism in this world. :)


(Sorry to say this but I'd lock my door from now on if I were you, now he knows that you have money.)


09:57 PM Oct 03 2008 |




Well obviously ,it's not that safe a community after all lol and hey, it's not some dream land or anything; i'm just talking about the majority. not that i had never been robbed, for example. 

and yeah, it's  a pity, but what can one do?

10:56 PM Oct 03 2008 |




ah… and I was already planning to move there. 

hihi :)


11:09 PM Oct 03 2008 |