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Life Talk!

ISLAM - the peaceful religion...




   Our prophet Mohammed(s.a.s) , used to say to his soldiers to be merciful , not to kill any woman, child , an old man , monk , chaplain, not to destroy any land.Muslims  salute each other with " Peace for you " ..   I hope that the world will realize that Islam is the peaceful religion…

05:14 PM Oct 17 2008 |

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And didn´t christians kill also many people in the name of their religion?....problem is that there are so many ways how to understand something…people are peaceful or aggressive,not religions….Or do you think that are peaceful religions with all its followers being peaceful and same with aggressive religions?

06:05 PM Oct 18 2008 |




 to javamanju,

Please also read about what muslims do to the "unbeliever" in the name of Islam. Islam is also a philosophy.

i have read about what muslims do to the "unbeliever" in the time when Muhammed was still alive, and i find the most peacfull things no one can imagine it,

Who do you think is a unbeliever?

i didn't understand what you meant in this qustion,

but if you meant that who was the unbelievers who hurt muslims in the beginning of islam, they were the idolaters.

Islam might be peaceful, But the question is are the people following Islam peaceful? Well majority are peaceful.

when crusades happend Muslims didn't judge that all christians are not peacfull, but when some gangs  make tirrelbe things in the name of islam you direct judge that all muslims is not peacfull? you judge to more than 1200 million muslims for what some persons did?

Yes all religions have extreamism, The % of extreamist is higher in Islam. 

i think that the higher % of extremist is between jews.

09:41 PM Oct 18 2008 |




I never said that I supported everything Israel did

it is a good point, but i find strange that after all massacers that isreal had done, it still the only country you trust? it is good to know that you trust in country killed more than 1000 kids  just in Lebanon in cold blood.

The ideal is that all nations and all people should renounce violence.

yes it is completely right.

I can even accept the idea of a "just" war, or self-defense.  But is that doing God's will?  Can you really say that when we commit violence we are doing God's will, making God happy?

violence did not make god happy, god never tells us that fight or violence is the selution and muslims never did violence."Those who patiently persevere, seeking the countenance their Lord; establish regular prayers; spend out of (the gifts) We have bestowed for their sustenance, secretly and openly; and turn off Evil with good: for such there is the final attainment of the (Eternal) Home (22)"S.13 Holy Quran.

"Repel evil with that which is best: We are well-acquainted with the things they say. (96)"S.23 Holy Quran

that is what Quran teachs us.but is God will be happy if he saw those who spend times pray to him and have the best manners killed and tortured by those who don't believe in him and do the most evil things? do you know when and why Muhammed fight them? you know what they did? they rape and torture an old lady to die in puplic just because she is muslim, they tortured muslims and hit them to die,  they steal all what muslims have. after all that Muhammed didn't fight them but even what make person amazed when muslims told Muhammed pray to god to hurt them he said:  God guid them to islam, God guid them to the right way,Is God will be happy when he see what happening to his worshippers? god allowed to Muhammed to fight them and to show another miracle when 300 of muslims defeat 1000 of best idolaters fighters.

Would I kiss you and forgive you and love you?  Well, that is what I should do, but I am very weak

and that is what Muhammed did, when he came back to mecca idolates said we doomed, those who was through garbage on him whe he bow down when he pray, those who trying many times to kill him and god save him in miracle.those who tortured muslims and killed them,he just forgive them.

If you are being practical and real, and say you are fighting in self-defense, I think the world will understand and accept this.  People will say, who would not use violence to protect their loved ones?  But is this real peace?  Is it God's ideal?

 i will ask u if there is tyrant murderer killing ppl and torture them is God tell you to leave him? leave him kill innocents, is that what God want? if we speak to him and advice him and he didn't care and still killing and torture ppl? we must face him to save ppl.

11:00 PM Oct 18 2008 |





 Is it saying that it is justice to kill those who murder…

In your country, I mean the USA, you execute (electric chairs and so on)  murders for justice, aren't you? And you are Christians as well. What about it?


12:01 PM Oct 19 2008 |




I don't want to say that Christians are murders or anything like this. I respect all religious. I posted this forum, 'coz here there are a lot of forums against Islam and Muslims.

 Generally speaking, all religious are peaceful. All of their Holy Books teach us to be peaceful, and live in peace with others. If some ppl do some bad things, it doesn't mean that the whole religios is bad, or dangerous. Aren't there bad ppl among Christians, or other religious?

12:08 PM Oct 19 2008 |

sona asan

sona asan


 One should remember to go to the source of Islam and  separate what the true religion of Islam says from what is portrayed in the media. Islam literally means 'submission to God' and is derived from a root word meaning'peace'.

everyone talking about Islam, but let me ask you one question? how many people read the Quran to understand our religion?

how can one discuss subject when he has no knowledge whatsover on the issue


01:41 PM Oct 19 2008 |




when people learn real knowledge about islam, they'll sure love islam,but Islam is shown very bad, i wish that everybody sees the facts

04:50 PM Oct 19 2008 |



Keni said :     In your country, I mean the USA, you execute (electric chairs and so on)  murders for justice, aren't you? And you are Christians as well. What about it?


Levicantu replied:     Yes, the USA uses the death penalty.  In fact, we use it more than almost any country, except for China and I think a few other countries. 



The US is only number 5 on the list of number of execution in 2007 (which is not so surprising, since it has the third largest population in the world)


The top 6



Saudi Arabia




08:08 PM Oct 19 2008 |




Who said it was the only country I trust?  What does that even mean?   Yes, Israel has not only behaved perfectly, but what country has?  Germany killed and tortured many members of my family in WWII.

you said that, i read it in the forum, anyway you said but who country has? when Germany killed and tortured your family did you was trust in it? did you say that isreal like anyother country in its history? Really who country has?

I've lived in Germany, and I like Germany. I am not angry with them, I don't hate them.

Why you should hate them? or be angry with them? of course you shouldn't. if my father killed one of your family you should hate me? of caurse not. but Israel was and still killing ppl. Even in the news we used to hear "50 Palestinians died in Israeli missile….." 20 Palestinian kids died…....."

The world fought a terrible war in Europe to defeat an evil tyrant in Germany, but do you know what prevented a third war?  What made Europe peaceful and prosperous?  It was when the USA stayed in the devastated regions and gave money and time to rebuild Europe.

Was what Europe did to face this Germany tyrant wrong? Do you say you should leave Hitler killing ppl without do anything?

Israelis are humans, people who have children, who work, who live and love and try to go about their lives.   If you have this hatred for them, it will only imprison you, and eat at your soul.  You will never be at peace with yourself if you are not at peace with those who attack you and call you their enemy. 

Sure, Israelis are human, people who have children, people who work and love and try to go about their life, people who expel Palestinians from their homes and leave them in streets, yes I know that,

You have to love them, and forgive them, and show compassion to them. Even if they are Jews.

Who said that I hate Jews? I have compassion with Jews history, but my problem is with Israelis who was and still killing my family,  should we leave them to annihilate us?  I am not with suicide ppl who bombing themselves coz what Muhammad said is clear "don't hurt any child, woman, tree, or temple

After all, would those children have died if Hezbollah had not used them as shields?

You were talking about violence and angel things then you justify what Israel did. I am not with Hezbollah but I didn't understand when you say Hezbollah use them as shields! All building which Israel was bombed no one from Hezbollah was in it all died was from children and women. You repeat just what Israel said. 

 What have they accomplished with their fight against Israel?

 I think the only accomplished they did that they liberate south Lebanon. Do you want us to sit like stupids and watch them steal our land?

Violence is any kind of killing, even in self-defense, beating, oppression, threats, harm, etc.  Are you seriously saying Muslims don't do this?  In the same post you talk about Muslims fighting against oppressors?   Sorry, but that is violence

.When soldiers came to your land you will not defense about your home? you will run away? I think the self-defense is not violence because in ur logic when I look to someone killing people I should not do anything to not be violent!!

 You said, God NEVER tells us that fighting and violence is the solution.  So what is the solution?  And if fighting is not the solution, then how can it be pleasing to God?

the solution is to advice to show love, but when someone steal your money killing ur people steal ur land and didn't response for your advice and love you have to face him because he fights God.

You may say, I am righteous for stopping an evil tyrant – but what about when you become a tyrant yourself?  Or if not you, then your child?

I don't understand your logic! If I stopped an evil tyrant I would be tyrant? or my child would be?

!No war is a miracle!  No battle is a miracle!  No killing is a miracle!

When 300 defeat 1000 it is not a miracle?

Wars and battles are the acts of men, which push God away because of their hatred and evil.  God is always on the side of peace.

When 2 people fight to their own purposes it will push God away from them, but when people fight to save other people to protect the right to stop tyrants. I think they are heroes and God always with them.

He forgave them?  But I thought you said that in the real world, this did not work.

I didn't say that forgiveness is not in the real world. when you say to me I am sorry I have to forgive u, when u be good, but when I saw u killing me I have to stop u. but even when someone killed one of your family in Islam God tells us to forgive him. But he didn't tell us to watch him when he killing and don't stop him!

Look, I think Muhammad wanted peace.  I have no problem with that.  But he was not always a pacifist.  No one is perfect, not even a prophet.

I think Muhammed is a perfect man, he didn't hurt anyone but when he saw Muslims had be killed and sanctity of  women violated he will not be perfect if he sit and watch.

It is tempting to fight; it is easy to fight,

No it is not easy to fight, otherwise, why we call our soldiers heroes? I think when u see injustice and sit that will be easy.

How do you think Martin Luther King lived?  How do you think Gandhi lived?I

t is not same my friend, you have to use the word to fight evil thing, but do you think that martin Luther king was able to stop Hitler? I said always we have to try to stop any tyrant by advice him and by the word but when he not response we leave him kill innocents?

If you have faith in a good, peaceful God, then you should do your best to follow his wishes, and trust in him.  You should also trust that love and compassion, rather than guns and swords,

I trust in god, I trust that love and compassion rather than guns and swords, the killing is the biggest sin in Islam, but sometimes you have to fight for freedom to save people to protect them from tyrants. 

01:15 AM Oct 20 2008 |




The most peaceful thing is to never kill them, never hurt them, and always show them love.

Muhammed didn't hurt them, didn't kill them and always show love to them,

let me tell you a story,

when Muhammed go to region its name is Taif to show  Islam to them, they threw him in stones he returned and he was covered by blood, when his followers saw him they said pray to God to revenge from them, God never return your pray, he said "no, perhaps their will begets people who worship to the one God.

you said like the Christianity never tell to fight, why you forgot what came in bible: "I have not came to through peace in the ground but a sword"

i think the Christianity is the faster people to use sword, no blood has been shed in history of nations more than the bloodshed in the history of Christianity nation.what you think about What came in Torah about fighting, which all Christians believe that it is a part from the holy book,

Torah says in fighting:"If you fight the far countries strike all its male in the strop of sword, and if they be surrendered or reconciled, so make them your slaves, and if they refused to surrend, strike all of them in strop of sword, don’t leave anything alive, annihilate all of them"That is what Christianity did in all countries; they bring into effect every letter in it. its applied by Christians when they entered America and they wanted to exterminate its original people "the Indian" and applied by British when they entered Australia, they didn't keep person alive, its applied by Jews against Palestinians in the massacres in Dair Yassin and elsewhere,

But Islam rejected all of that, it is even reject killing animals,but the wars in Islam its ethical wars, it’s a self-defense wars, its defense for freedom to save people, Jihad in Islam came to rescue vulnerable in the ground. It is Ethical that it didn't killed old, woman, child, didn't cut tree, or destroy any temple, its just fight who fight you, is that violence?

About your tables, it seems a little old, according to bbc, and Al-Jazeera


for example in Jordan, those who support suicide bombing is 23% now not 57 and in Lebanon it is retreated to 34%, and in Pakistan it is reduced to 9% not 25%.and the confidence in Osama bin Laden reduced for example in Jordan to 20% according to bbc and 19% according to Aljazeera not 60%!And the studies shows that this percentage is reducing day after day

,i think that the higher % of extremist is between jews.Please provide some data to show this claim.

www.ynet.co.il 19/10/2005it shows that 60% of Jews practice the extremist against Arab. And 49% of Jews don't agree to give simple rights to Arab like self-management, and self-administrations in education affairs languages, religious services. And this percent raised to 57% between those who came from Soviet Union who opposite it.

01:19 AM Oct 20 2008 |