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Who Israel fights: Hamas using Children as human shields in Gaza



United Kingdom

 Hamas on a regular basis, to grab international sympathy from Israeli bombing run, uses civilians in buildings, or fires from buildings housing civilians.

Innocent people thus become pawns in Hamas conflict with Israel. This is the face of the enemy that Israel faces:



A video shot in Gaza showing Hamas gunmen using children as human shields. 

The video is here: http://www.ireport.com/docs/DOC-177297

or here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J08GqXMr3YE


Hamas Rockets During Cease-Fire and From Schoolyard 8 Jan. 09





Weapons Hidden in Mosque Neutralized by Israel Air Force 31 Dec. 2008




Israel Air Force Precision Strike on Qassam Rocket Launcher 30 Dec. 2008



Mortar Bombs Shot from UN School in Gaza 29 Oct. 2007




The same group that has us believe that it did no aggressive moves to provoke the onslaught, regularly abuses and indoctrinates children for its sick ends. This is the group that so many on this site are defending:

Children of Hamashttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTGbP55HGi8


Hamas Mickey Mouse Teaches Terror to Kids









Have a good look at the kind of people that Israel fights, the ones that use, manipulate then hide BEHIND children,












02:25 PM Jan 09 2009 |

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United Kingdom

 People that think Hamas are the good guys in this should probably look at how Hamas treats its fellow people.


Some scenes from the Hamas rule of the Gaza Strip

02:27 AM Jan 18 2009 |



Russian Federation

As for me let give to Gaza the independence. And than all world can see what will be happend after it. To my mind they couldn't live without help from other countrys. This country hasn't any production. They could only say a lot. I couldn't understand if you realy adult, how you can use child as sheat.     

06:38 AM Jan 18 2009 |



United Kingdom


"There were a Truce between Israel and Palestinians resisting organizations to stop the war for six months,"

Exactly.  Who ended the truce? Who said that they didn't want to continue it? You've given reasons why you think the truce wasn't continued, but be clearer: WHO stopped the truce? Who refused to renew it? Even when Mubarrak and Mahmoud Abbas PLEADED with them to renew it,

"2- The history repeats itself."

The Jews are the original owners of the land. The Crusaders were a bunch of crazy religious fanatics that took it over for religious puirposes. 

"Israel occupied this region with help of Europe and USA"

Wrong. Israel received NO help from either in and up to 1948. Yes, they were recognized to form a state, but they received no military or economics aid when Israel was founded. Israel and the Jewish settlers were alone. Besides, when the Zionist movement was in ful swing, America wasn't intervening ANYWHERE. see Isolationism of the 1930s.

"And that will finish, I don’t think that will be in the short time, but it will happen."

People that think that obviously have no idea about Israel and its foundations. Another Palestinian state will arise next to, but not instead of Israel.

If I'm getting my house bombed, I don't think I'm going to say: 'OH! I can live with this every single day, as long as I'm not getting killed!'. No one would want to.

The rockets are deadly and have killed a number of people, even if the number isn't in the hundreds. Thats not the point. The fear of death that they give out on a daily basis is a weapon in itself.

It's the power of deterrence. And hopefully t worked. 

The goal was never to kill civilians, that unfortunately happens when you fire at ANY target in the Gaza Strip. Hopefully, Hamas if they remain, will think twice about firing rockets into Israel. 


"4- Dear fabs1, you have to learn the history, you can find the solution of this war on it"

If after reading everything I've written, you're about to say that I don't know any history, just because I completely disagree with you, then you're a fool trying to make an insulting point.

"Every thing should return to before 1900"

Because it's to your advantage? Of course. The world changes and so it has in the Middle East.  You can wish and hope that Israel wil some day disappear, I assure you it won't, and least of all because it shouldn't.

08:12 PM Jan 18 2009 |




after DEER YASIEN massacre Menahem begin said " i fight then i'm exist"........this is their way of thinking…...

02:45 PM Jan 19 2009 |



United Kingdom

Dair Yassin wasn't a massacre. Arabs were fighting, just like Israelis were. It was a battle, a bloody one, but a battle.

10:39 PM Jan 19 2009 |



United Kingdom

"Yeah, you're like that, it's not question of rights

you don't want that because that in our aadvantage,"

Everyone wants an advantage, but it doesn't matter. It's not going to happen.

"you change the facts and don't want to recocnize the rights"

It's logical that when you accuse someone of something, you back it up.


"and what was taken by force or war, it won't be back only by force and war."

The lands came under Israeli control in a war (1948) that Israel didn't even start. Had the Arabs not been so incompetent, and not started it in the first place, they perhaps wouldn't have lost all that land.  If you start  a war and then lose it, you should live with the consequences. THat's the wsy it generally wors in history, just not for the Arabs it seems.


"Now, be want the peace with Israel, and I mean itwe want it, but not for a long time, because we're comming back, comming back, comming backand Israel will leave as France left Algeria, with warThe god is with the right, even it give us the time"

Honestly, hope all you want. The land isn't yours to take back, so keep your rhetoric to yourself.



10:44 PM Jan 19 2009 |



United Kingdom

"but the god will show the right one day"

 THe first sign of a fanatic is one who thinks gd is on his side.

"but as you take it by war, that doesn't mean it will stay with you for ever, as you said this is the war, and the next war will show us, where it's going to be belong to !"

For the sake of argument, who started that war in the first place? 

If someone attacks me, and I fight back and win, and the guy drops his phone. I'm going to keep his phone, and I don't care how muhc they guy wants his phone back.

  "and all what happen, we won't be forgeten, and it cames a day Inchaa Allah"

The Allmighty doesn't, never has, and never will support  a bunch of murderous terrorists. And maybe given that they've all failed, like recently in Gaza, you should probably have learned something by now.


03:55 PM Jan 20 2009 |




God will show the way?
So technically god is showing now as well then? All there religious fanatics do is bring god’s name into every thing.

04:18 PM Jan 20 2009 |



United Kingdom

"yes, take somrthing which isn't yours, it's steal, and you call it gain, yeah from your principes, and you steal lands, and you call it jewish land, that is the occupation, to take something whish it's not yours."

If you start a war, and then you lose it, you should live wth the consequences. The Arabs have always lived in that frame of mind, so maybe they should apply it here.

"colonisation in west back, "

I'm sick of hearing this. It's not a matter of changeing the facts, its a different perspective, which changes according to one's politics.

"go on in your crimes, the god doesn't agree with the crimes"

Yes, we're so evil. I'm sure gd stands with Palestinian suicide bombers and rocket firers.  I love your theology.


Go and shour out your opinions to someone who cares, I'm hear to discuess facts, exactly what you ARENT bringing up.

02:44 PM Jan 21 2009 |





we're staying in uour land intill the freedom from the criminal of this world

How said it is your land? You don;t look like a palesenian or an Israeli.

03:36 PM Jan 21 2009 |