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equal rights for man and woman for child wishes




hello, i´m from germany, here in germany is something wrong. once i made a girl pregnant and she got the child. now i must pay for a child that was not my wish. i allways told my ex girlfriend that i´m to young for a baby. I was 19 years old. now i have a solution to get rid of the payment for the child, but i need a law from the german government.

I will tell you how it works: our basic law in germany says that there are equal rights for man and woman. you cannot say to the pregnant girl must abort the baby in the first 3 months of the pregnancy. my solution: if your girl is pregnant she must go to the residents registration office with the man and the man must give his allowance for get the baby. if he say yes i like to have the child he must pay for the child if he abandon his wife. if he wouldn´t have a child he says i wouldn´t have a child and so he must not pay the bill of the child. so the girl can make a decision. to get the child and life in poverty or to abort the child and look for another boyfriend. really, equal rights are written in basic law, but the government didn´t act

07:29 PM Oct 09 2009 |

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oh gosh… I just think that abandon the girl and the baby is wrong.. She didn't get pregnant by herself, so the boy should, at least, give some support :(

07:51 PM Oct 10 2009 |



Russian Federation

should i write a new petition to the goverment? should i ask the ombudsman? what should i do ???

You must pay. 

08:08 PM Oct 10 2009 |

Whitney S

Whitney S


The only way I think you can miss the responsability of paying for the child is if you get to know that he/she is not your son or daughter, If this is not the case, that wanting law you've got is not good at all because If you did not take enough responsability to have a safe sexual life, the baby is not guilty at all about his/her parents issues. I am sorry If this is unconfortable to you, but you should not deny LOVE to a living beign that shares your same blood and who will always, for ever and ever be part of you…

06:18 AM Oct 23 2009 |




you live in the stoneage     i just wanna have fun,       and in germany we have a good social market what means that the child survive when i do not pay, but it works just till 3. month of pregnancy, after that time you cannot abort the baby, thats the law. so just go soon to the residents registration office, lol

09:35 AM Nov 15 2009 |