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What does "upset" mean?

Vocabulary Word: upset

1. Definition (v.) lose a game or contest to a competitor who is thought to not be as good

Examples Florida State was upset by Notre Dame in the football game last weekend.

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2. Definition (adj.) unhappy, bothered

Examples She was upset to learn that she failed her test.

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3. Definition (expr.) when a big team gets beaten by a small team

Examples The game was great last night. The best team in the country got upset by a small school. I love it when that happens.

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4. Definition (n.) angry, unhappy

Examples I was really ticked off when Jeff broke my golf club. I hope he will buy me a new one.

Examples I’ll be really upset if my car gets stolen. I knew I shouldn’t have parked in a bad neighborhood.

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She looked very upset after the meeting, so I braced myself for the expected bad news.

My husband and I were very upset when we found out our son was being picked on by a bully at school.

The young girl was held captive by her father, who was upset because he felt he wasn’t getting enough chances to see her since he and his wife divorced.

Tracey is a chronic worrier that gets upset about everything.

The young boys’ mother was upset over their coarse language.

Parents are upset that a number of schools will be closed down as the government moves to consolidate rural schools in order to cut costs.

Read more sentences at http://word-in-sentence.com/upset-in-a-sentence/

07:29 AM Jan 24 2017 |

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