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What does "spoiled rotten" mean?

Vocabulary Word: spoiled rotten

1. Definition (expr.) given everything one wants in life; extremely pampered

Examples “Marie is spoiled rotten. I’m so tired of her. She’s always complaining about how life is so hard and how she doesn’t have enough money and on and on. She just needs to learn that she’s not always going to get everything she wants in this life. It’s just not that easy.”

Examples “I was really spoiled when I was a kid. I was an only child, so my parents bought me lots of toys and pretty much let me do anything I wanted. I think I’m OK now though. I realize that things aren’t as easy now.”

Examples “Dude, you’re so spoiled. Your girlfriend does everything for you. She cooks dinner for you every night. She does all your laundry. She cleans the whole house every week. Is there anything she doesn’t do for you?”

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