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November 13, 2007

Ever since, none of you like to be thrown in a place, which you hate the most. Such as garbage place and slaughterhouse. i should say somewhere, where you small unpleasant smalls and too massive to be what you are. Everything is mixed up so much that you are lost in that world. What I can definitely say is that you all prefer the place or circumstances, where you can have happiness, enjoyment and peace out of a clean surrounds which help you to feel the real sense of life at home and world.
Though you know me well but still there are many other kinds of me, you may be unfamiliar with them. Normally I wear a white dress and a yellow hat on my head. My big brother is so big and strong. It always wears a complete brown dress without a hate on head. My younger brother is quite week so it always be kept in bundle, in the form of "united we stant, divided we fall". My physical appearances can be many kinds.
I eat chemicals, drugs, natural decayed elements and other harmful substances, that is why, manufacturers cover me by a white dress and yellow hat. Just to make me beautiful physically.
You buy me even if you do not have money to pay for a cap of tea in a cafe. You touch me first time out of your curiosity, slowly and slowly you started to keep close relation with me like a love birds do. At this moment, you visit me more than ten times in a day. I really fear about your way of keeping touch with me. There is fire at your mouth and smoke raise from your noises whenever you touch me.
I know that I can release your tension, sadness, worries and other burdens, which are too heavy on shoulder. But you should know that it is only for the time being. If I speak frankly with you, in true sense i make heavier burden for the long run. Some of them will not be cured by anyone.
You enjoy mine tastes the best level you can. Sometime you laid down in the cozy bed and produce ring like smoke, sometime you inhale me then exhale and again inhale me through the pair of hole just above your mouth. Less often, you do both the process of inhaling and exhaling simultaneously. Really, you enjoy my tastes so much.
But unfortunately, by carelessly or any other force you forget how much I released your burdens as soon as you finished me. You just throw me where I hate the most, such as corner of room, on the road sides and most of the time at the place where you are.
I wind up myself here with saying that please quit me, even if you can not leave me alone, just throw my last part of life in the dustbin where I belong.

More entries: No, quit me not (1), From a place (1), SMILE ON YOUR FACE EVERYDAY., world is one, life is a process of dying. (2)

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01:12 PM Nov 18 2007



At first reading it was funny to guess what about the text is written.  Thanks