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Russian Federation

September 15, 2007

Grand More examples: _01-22-10-42 under; 02 are; 03 I, eye; 04-31 out; 05-01-30 bus; 06-16-20 veal; 07-16 we; 08-15-30 this; 09-27 go; 10-02-19 dark; 11-40-21 jam; _12-20-15 early; 13-02-22-29 genre; 14-25 zoo; 15-31 it; 16-30-31 east; 17 ear; 18-41-30 yes; 19-02 key; 20-40-21 lamb; 21-03 my; 22-16 knee; 15-23-19; 24-35 of, off; 25 or; 26-20 oil; 27-22 own; 28-03 pie; 29_15-06-42 river; 30-27 so; 31-41-22 ten; 05-32-19 book; 31-33 two, too; 28-34 poor; 35-03-06 five.

More entries: Let's make a pictural dictionary on any other themes together (1), Antelope *** антилопа (14), Examples of digital transcription, Examples of digital transcription (1), Digital transcription (part 2) (1), Digital transcription (part 1) (1), Let me introduce myself. What about you? (2), Русские учат английский с вами.The Russians learn English with you. (1), Click here to read it again! (2)

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05:03 AM Sep 16 2007


Russian Federation

Here is a comparative example of digital encoding given for your attention in order to demonstrate a visually supportive frame needed for your better memorizing. The sentence above would look like that if you were able to write down its structural digital representation: 3 (Here) - 7_12 (is a comparative example of digitat encoding) -1 (given) -2 (for your attention) -2 (in order) -1 (to demonstrate) -7_34 (a visually supportive frame) -1 (needed) 2 (for your better memorizing) -4 (chosen material).