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Ocean's BLOG

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Saudi Arabia

October 4, 2007

First Impression

How many of us judge people by the way they talk or by the way they answer the phone or even by the way they walk. All of us form opinions about people the first time we see or hear them .we sometimes form opinions before we have never met them

It takes just a quick glance, maybe three seconds, for someone to evaluate you when you meet for first time. In this short time, the other person forms opinion about you based on your appearance, your body language and how you are dressed. Although the first impression takes less than three seconds, it lasts for months or years. One study says, "Body language accounts for 55% of first impression; what we say is just 7%". So, it's necessary to know how to create a good impression because it's extremely important for building relationships with other people in social life or career. We have heard this saying, "you never get a second chance to make a good first impression ". People's impression of us is very significant and we should work hard to make sure that first one is a good one .The dark side in this case that the first impression is
virtually irreversible

Finally, keep in your mind: first Impression is the last impression and its human nature to constantly evaluate your visual and behavioral appearance from head to toe


Do you agree or disagree that the first impression is the last impression ?

Do you think it's necessary to know how to create a good first impression ?

How do you form your opinions about people ?

More entries: BB PIN ADD, The Human Brain (3), Ebaby Daily, THE ROSES OF TAIF (1), Friends, Communication Between Males and Females (3), Friends are the family we choose for ourselves, Thank you Mom!! (4), THE INTERNATIONAL PHONETIC ALPHABET (6), Three Ghost Stories

View all entries from Ocean's BLOG >

12:55 PM Oct 26 2007


hi all, i respect all these opinions but i have my opinion the first impression not the last because some peopl apperince so cut and wite the time u discaver u spoof in them.

12:42 PM Oct 22 2007


United States


07:04 AM Oct 22 2007


I think that necessary to know how to create a good first impression too!!! I frequently form my opinions about people the first time I see them!!!

11:08 AM Oct 13 2007



hi, everybody! yea here manyint-ng facts about first impression. but i`m not agree with all of them. for example with that idea the 1st impression is the last impression coz when i was  in the 7th form i met a boy who behaved like a girl so i don`t liked him it seems me strange but after some years his character is really changed & now he is one of my best friends. yea that`s true!

02:21 AM Oct 13 2007



Hi dears i must be agree with you all because every coin has two sides if we talk about impress anyone we should try to make our first impression best impression suppose you have to walk through an interview what would you try to do? Of course you'd like to make your first impression best impression but whenever we need to judge others we should try to be a little kind to them i also think we cant judge any one in first sight but we all do don't we ? and of course sometimes it depends on our mood too its my suggestion if you like ,should we discusse here how to make our first impression best imperssin , i'd love to know your ideas

05:31 AM Oct 12 2007


I don`t think that the 1st impression will become the last impression, you can`t judge people whether they are good or not only from 1st impression.Usually when we meet people for the 1st time, they will behave maybe a bit ashamed though they`re not...(just like me, if I meet someone for the 1st time, I used to being quiet, not too much talking, whereas Iam a bit talkative whenever I am gathering with my friends..)..

It needs time to know more about people..

03:31 AM Oct 12 2007



Hi Ocean and Missef. I would like to share that everyone can be good or bad it dependend of the moment that you catch him /her and do not forget it depending on your own mood. We are all people ....so we are generally alike. Thanks Kind regards, Silviya

05:38 PM Oct 06 2007


Saudi Arabia

As far as for me... I'd stay away from that person .. I'd end the meeting in a polite way .. and never ask about that person again :)

09:37 AM Oct 06 2007



if i met someone like that,being rude and big-headed to me,first think come out in my mind is..oh this people cannot be treat as simple as that,i need to have a good way on how to communicate with him/her..i need to decide wether to treat them well or opposite..but i think i need to confront with them with the way they face on me...

am i out of track bro? 

11:55 PM Oct 05 2007


Saudi Arabia

Oki.. but .."What if" you meet someone .. and that person gave you the impression of being rude and big-headed..

would that make you meet the same person again?

11:35 PM Oct 05 2007



im totally diagree that the first impression is the last impression.