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November 19, 2008



Life, as we know it is a complex blend of highs and lows. An intoxicating cocktail of joy and sorrow, filled with moments that last a second and events that linger on for years. 

We all have somethings in life which we would like to get over, in most of the cases these "things" are related to emotions, a bad relation for instance is the one element that haunts the most of us. Memories linger, thoughts echo shattered hopes and dreams stab us when ever we look at our reflection in the mirror. If you observe the widely known "Law of Attraction" you would conclude that what ever we hold in our minds, this universe materializes for us. For instance, if we think about happiness, joy and success, we attract people, things and situations which make us happy or give us an opportunity to be successful. On the other hand, if we think negative thoughts, negative feelings; we tend to attract the same. 

Now, coming to the case in focus, "getting over a bad experience" the first thing we need to do is block the feelings out, think as if it never happened, if its a bad or traumatic relation you want to get over, just keep thinking that there was no such relationship in your life. If you have something that he/she gave you, either return them or put them away in a box hidden in the store room. Psychology explains this concept as "Extinction" which has its roots from Pavlov a Russian Physicist who experimented on dogs. Extinction suggests, that if the stimulus that brings about a particular response is removed, the response itself is forgotten. You "Ex" can be considered as a stimulus while your feelings, thoughts and expectations can be the "responses". The figure of speech "out of sight out of mind" relates to the very same concept of extinction. 

Remember to keep a positive approach towards life, only then will you be able to gather something to be happy and proud of. Dwelling in the past, remembering the old mistakes, or grieving for that which is lost will only make you more depressed and stressed out. Keep saying it to your self "what happened, happened, and what was, was....life goes on, so lets keep moving"  


04:44 AM Feb 06 2009



beautiful picture...

November 15, 2008

Why me

Why do things always happen to me? Why do I always end up in tears? Why am I always making the wrong choices? Why do I get hurt always?

We all ask these questions from ourselves almost half our life time. the amazing part is most of us even knowing the answers, somehow end up asking the same questions over and over again. If I am asked the same questions by someone, I would say there are two basic reasons:

·         The choices we make

·         The feelings we allow to prevail

It is a common and well known saying that “we are subjects of our consequences”; well I do agree but with all due respect not completely. Consequences are actually a product of our choices and decisions, the choice I would make while taking a step would definitely have some consequences; are they good, or do they turn out to be bad, that actually depends on my decision, my choice. What did I chose? Did I choose correctly or did I leave some loopholes? You have to be very specific while making choices, don’t shy away from the paper pencil exercise; write things down. This exercise not only allows us to define various alternatives but also renders a forecasting effect suggesting us what the outcomes would be.

Remember, the elements of the universe don’t  harm us, it’s the expectations we attach with the elements which do.