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Life Talk!

Why is Allah silent?




Yesterday I was watching news on TV with my family, (father, mother, bro, and my little cousin_Fırat)

There were some pics and videos from Palestine, with full of dead ppl, broken houses, crying mothers, angry fathers, afraiding kids..

then my little cousin asked me > Who are they? Is there earthquick? How many ppl died?

I said > No honey, there is War in a country too far from here..And they are muslim too.

He said > they are muslim, and having a bad painingfull?

So Sibel, tell me Where is God! Why is Allah silent? Why Allah doesn't do anything to help them?


I couldn't reply him..And looked my father :)

Then my father answered him for me >> Ask your father, cuttie OK?

Cousin said > But my father doesn't know anything about Islam.. maybe he doesn't believe.

My father > Yeaa I know.. then that reason made me say you ''Ask your father'' He will give you the best answer!



:) I don't know if my little cousin asked his father (my uncle) or not… But i still wonder Why the Allah is silent!

Do u have any idea.. If yes, pls reply me.. :)


01:59 PM Jan 02 2009 |

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talking to muslims is the same as beating your head against a brick wall. I got it: all of them are zombies.

10:31 AM Jan 09 2009 |


United Arab Emirates

First of all let me tell you, allah sent you this question thru your son to give you a small test and warn you that you do not know God, that you should come closer to know Allah, to seek for more information about Islam, to read more on Quran


Secondly, Allah is not silent, there are lots of reasons behind this 'seems to be silence'

1- This is an examination for people, to see how is a believer, and who is a hypocrite

2- To inflict believers coz inflicting erases their mistakes, and those who die in war go to paradize,and never forget that if

3- This is a lifecyle of the Islamic religion where war exists as long as there are Muslims and nonMuslims

4-Allah is examining all of us, not only Gaza people, God wants to hear us ask him for help, the more we get inflicted that higher our rank will be in paradize, so in all situation it is for our good, Muslims in any case (whether God is silent or noto) coz they are waiting for paradize in all cases if they are reall believers.

5-Allah has some hidden intentions and reasons which no one knows except His Majesty and we should submit for this fact.

If you think very well, if read Quran more you will find lots of answers that I don't remember now

& don't forget that inQuran that God will inflict Muslims with hunger, poverty, death, and those who do not withdraw or submit are the ones who passed the exam. & they  will be rewarded the best.

10:53 AM Jan 09 2009 |




i don't wanna be rewarded i just want to live right here and right now as long as possible. i don't beleive in God and in life after death and i think its a stuff. Its my opinion and i don't need any reasons coz i made conclusions myself and you can't change them don't waste your time.There is no God.

12:02 PM Jan 09 2009 |



Hi Gkisseberth, you know what i hope will hapen to you ? I hope He will take a barrier that keep your eyes for seeing His sign.


Justic, I know you mean this well,so thank you.


I wish similarly for you; that one day the blindfold of religion will be lifted and you can know the truth.

03:20 PM Jan 09 2009 |



1- This is an examination for people, to see how is a believer, and who is a hypocrite


others have replied in a similar fashion, and if you ask many Christians why tjeir god allows bad things to happen sometimes they answer in the same way. 


WHY does Allah need to test people? Doesn't he already know who is a true believer and who is a hypocrite?


03:28 PM Jan 09 2009 |




The teacher knows which student is weak and which one is brilliant but teacher don't restrict the weaker one from examination although the teacher knows which student will excel and which one will  not get through the examination

There is a major diffrence in what you say, a teacher doesn't claim that he is "all knowing".

A classic definition of god is that god is all knowing,  So if god knew every thing then why the test in the first place?

How will you determine which is god's test and gods wrath?

Some people will tell that palestinains are undergoing "God's TEST" Some will say that it is "God's punishment/wrath" on the Palestinians"

04:06 PM Jan 09 2009 |



so, Blink, I guess true believers have to die so the hypocrits can have their test.  


very nice. 

04:06 PM Jan 09 2009 |





yeah, arguments are rejected or refused and most of the times without giving any logical explanation.(eg:noone has told me how can the prophet knew precise things about the stars.they just say that you can give different meaning to  arabic  vague words or verses are vague ,while  i'm good at arabic and i always get the precise meaning and i know how arabic is precised and how those verses are so clear)vi believe that the world is so fair and so well built and there's an intelligent power behind it.that's the god i know.i believe if i have received any logical  proof that god doesn't exist,i'll convert to atheism.but, when you have strong faith based on logic,you 'll grow that way.and, it's true that noone will know how his end will be.but,if you are honest in searching,you'll have a honest end that fits your desires.we are just talking out of our experiences and what we may believe it's true now, it won't be tomorrow.

"believers are deluded"this what i used to think about religious people ,but now   i can agree in one case"some religious people were  really deluded". we can't put all believers  in the same bag.it's far from being the reality.some people just believe in a god and live life far from him,others believed blindly and they are their society followers,others believed because they did their own logical choice,some are atheist because they have embraced some philosophies,others because they believe and care only about what they can touch or their present life,most of atheists i know around me chose that way just because they rejected all what their society believe in.frustration or fear of the unknown  can lead to reject everything without amaking a logical  selection or searching for the truth.most of the times atheist are right.most religious societies oblidge people to follow silly and mystic thoughts without giving the right to criticize them.it's a complicated matter and we can't have a complete judgment until we experience many things.life is like a trip.we go from a place to another.to me to be real believer is to be an atheist first or at least to have strong doubts and to try to clear those doubts  without any prejudice.

so, i can say that atheists are deluded,too.they didn't have the chance to experience an other dimension in this life.

i believe noone can convert anyone to any religion,philosophy or atheism.it's a personal initiative.even if we believe we are on the right path,we still have to learn and we'll keep learning until our last breath.noone has the complete truth and it's impossible to have it.

06:16 PM Jan 09 2009 |




Logic?! Guys, you must be kidding right?

07:06 PM Jan 09 2009 |




If lose my soul 999 times in Front of ALLAH. My last wish will be to return for the 1000 time ….just to say: " Thank you ALLAH. In my life there's nothing better than the honor of knowing you & being your obideint slave "


Wowww great… I loved them..! so meaningfull

07:18 PM Jan 09 2009 |