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Life Talk!

Why is Allah silent?




Yesterday I was watching news on TV with my family, (father, mother, bro, and my little cousin_Fırat)

There were some pics and videos from Palestine, with full of dead ppl, broken houses, crying mothers, angry fathers, afraiding kids..

then my little cousin asked me > Who are they? Is there earthquick? How many ppl died?

I said > No honey, there is War in a country too far from here..And they are muslim too.

He said > they are muslim, and having a bad painingfull?

So Sibel, tell me Where is God! Why is Allah silent? Why Allah doesn't do anything to help them?


I couldn't reply him..And looked my father :)

Then my father answered him for me >> Ask your father, cuttie OK?

Cousin said > But my father doesn't know anything about Islam.. maybe he doesn't believe.

My father > Yeaa I know.. then that reason made me say you ''Ask your father'' He will give you the best answer!



:) I don't know if my little cousin asked his father (my uncle) or not… But i still wonder Why the Allah is silent!

Do u have any idea.. If yes, pls reply me.. :)


01:59 PM Jan 02 2009 |

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no one force u to be beleiver or not…..it is up to u….ur believing will increase or decrease nothing….

so enjoy ur life now coz enjoying will not come again where regret has no use….make this sentince as a ring in ur ears…..may u remember it one day but not here…...bye

07:21 PM Jan 09 2009 |



Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Hi friends:

thx for ur opinions about this forum!

I think some problems r here that we do`nt pay attention to them!

1. is a line between muslims and other followers! it`s better that obliterate this line and all of us be a Human!

2.is we have two words now: Allah and God! (both of them r one !) what ever we r muslim or not all of the people have One God and is forming a line between muslim`s God and other people`s God!

3.is that we r some young that do`nt know comeplety about God, means whatever we r muslims or not,our knowlege r not enough to speak about God! so we can just say our opinion from our religions! if i am a muslim i can speak about my God into my religion(Quran) and if i`m a christian speak in other angle!

4.is a problem that just muslims speak about God in here! means other followers argue with muslim`s comments! why jewsh do`nt speak about God and do`nt prove him from thier book (Torah )? or christian prove him from Evangel? why just muslims (a human who believes Islam) r active?

THX a lot friends!

11:36 PM Jan 09 2009 |



Iran, Islamic Republic Of

to Kukuka:

i have a question from u:

Who creats u?? UR MOTHER AND FATHER?


 could u answer?

11:53 PM Jan 09 2009 |




@ nargis


Strange, so do you mean there is male god and female god and they had sex and first humans were born out of it?

Adam and eve are supposed to appear from thin air, created magically by "god".



03:06 AM Jan 10 2009 |

anahita mass

Iran, Islamic Republic Of

the great god is sign from light…. 

dear narges ..because …. our country is not same as other country…. our believe differe with all ..

" eteghadat anna sost shode…. ( khososi)"


02:34 PM Jan 10 2009 |




killing in the name of religion is nothing new,

Christians and Muslims  have done that in the past, Hindus have started to do that now.


Most annoying part is the support the killers get..Going by trends, half the Arabs worlds seems to sympathize, Al Qida, 

Many hindu's support what happened In gujrat etc. 


Even worst part is denying, that their people ever kill at all 

04:53 PM Jan 10 2009 |



United Kingdom

You know, sometimes there is nothing to be gained by arguing, and much to be lost. I've read this forum thread along with many others on other forums with increasing sadness. Even though some of you disagree with me, and with each other, there are things that unites us all. We have families, those we love, and we don't have any wish to see them harmed. We have this forum, where we have come together with the common purpose of learning English. We are lucky people that we have the freedom to express our opinions on this forum, and to use this wonderful tool of the internet to discuss. Let us not bring the physical wars of the world into this place, nor seek to destroy each other with our words.

We will surely not decide the ultimate questions of life, whether or not there is a God, nor whether one country is better than another. Instead, let us all seek to find understanding, and if there is a God, trust him to be merciful, if not, then we should each be merciful to each other. Fighting here will only increase the hatred that is already in the world. We are so far away from the people who cast the first stones in these wars, and we will certainly not be the last to fight over religion or race. However, let us, here, decide to let each other live in peace on this forum.

My heart goes out to all who are suffering today, whether in Palestine, Israel, Gaza or any other place in the world where there is strife and hardship. The only way to live in peace is to understand that harmony can only come from our acceptance of others. All great religions claim to be religions of peace – and believe me, peace is also the aim of many atheists, including me. Therefore, let us strive to do all that leads to peace, including finding what is common between us, rather than what is different.

I understand it is difficult in the midst of war and hardship not to see the enemy as a hated spectre of all that is evil in the world. It is also hard in the heat and flames to hear the call for peace, however, here, we are together, and we can either fight, or we can find friendship. Let us try to do the latter.

I wish all of you peace, wherever you are and whether you belong to any faith or none. Peace.


05:36 PM Jan 10 2009 |




thanks andi for those sensitive words and your nice wish.there's always another way than violence and i hope that we'll be able to take it,at least on this forums.lets pay attention to our similarities and i believe we all agree that war is awful and acceptance is the key.

peace to all the world is what we should seek.

05:58 PM Jan 10 2009 |




I watched an iraqish movie this afternoon. It took place at the time before the fall of saddam’s regime.
I saw many refugees consisted of adults and also children. There’re 4 main roles. They’re three boys and one girl. They lived their life as landmines’ collector.
The sad thing was, the girl, at the end of the film commited suicide along with her baby because she couldn’t take the suffering anymore. She’s a victim of soldier’s raping and having a baby as the result of the unhuman crime. She left his only brother whom lost his hands at war.
I hope gaza’s problem will be over soon. So that there’d be no horrible thing like what happening right now.

06:26 PM Jan 10 2009 |