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blow it

blow it

Date: Jul 09 2003


1. Quote - Listen to the quote and guess what the slang means.

“I’m not going to blow it. I’m going to save half for taxes and the rest I’m going to sock in the bank.”
- Kathy Griffin, actress, talking about the money she won on the TV show Celebrity Mole: Hawaii. (People Magazine)


1. Definition - Study the definition.

waste it, squander it, use it foolishly, use it recklessly, use it without thinking
Blow it” can also mean:
fail, do something wrong, miss an opportunity

2. Use - Learn how the slang is used.

You can use “blow it” whenever you want to talk about money and responsibility. If someone is spending a lot of money without thinking, s/he is “blowing” his/her money. Parents often tell their children not to blow their money, because children are usually irresponsible.
Also, “blow it” can be used to describe a failure. For example, if someone goes to a job interview and then says something really stupid, that person “blew it.” Or, if you want to tell someone not to fail, you could say, “Don’t blow it!”


1. Examples - Hear some example sentences.

””Here is some money for lunch. Don’t blow it all on candy. You need to buy some food that’s good for you.”“

””If I give you this hundred dollars you can’t blow it all in one day. You need to make the money last for the whole week.”“

””Whenever I get money, I blow it in a few days. If I have money, I have to spend it. I can’t make myself stop.”“

””Mike always blows his money on stupid things. For example, yesterday he bought a new computer. He didn’t need a new computer! His other one was only two months old!”“

””This is your best opportunity to get a good job. Don’t blow it. Be prepared for the interview and say as many smart things as you can.”“


1. Winners - See who guessed the slang definition correctly.

I think it means to spend money foolishly.
by Caroline (Guarapuava, Brazil)
I guess she meant she´s not going to squander the whole amount of money she got.
by Alessandro (Guaratinguetá – SP, Brazil)
blow it” means: “waste it”; “squander it”
by Monique (Liege, Belgium)
It means ” to spend or waste a lot of money on something ”
by salerno (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)
Spend it all.
by Surya (Hillsboro, USA)
Here Blow It means spend money recklessly, squander money.
by Sherry (Shenzhen, China)
blow it “means to miss ,not to make use of somethin’.
by ElleN (DL, CN)
I think it means someone spend money unlimitedly and no planning.
by siguang xu (Chongqing city, China)
I think it means “spend the money at will, maybe a kinda extravagant”
by Jiliang (Beijing, China)
spend and waste all the money.
by youjin (Seoul, South Korea)
I think that blow it means to spend all of you money, use out the money without any hesitance
by Hai (Beijing , CHINA)
spend all whatever u have
by sachi (bangalore, india)
I think it means somebody spending out all his money. have no plan, maybe will bankrupt.
by f (Hangzhou, China)
I think “blow it” means “to spend all the money out”. Ex. I’ve worked so hard, I’m going to blow it after finishing this project.
by Agyana (Taipei, Taiwan)
it means, to spent all the money which u have unthoughtfully.
by beyhan (Istanbul, Turkey)
In this case, “blow it” means to waste money. the right meaning could be to ruin or waste something
by Orlando (Tampa Florida, United States)
It means to squander, to dissipate all your money… as I do ;)
by emanuela (Ascoli Piceno, Italy)
In my opinion in this phrase it means to spend all the money she won.
by Rita (São Paulo, Brazil)
“To blow money” is just another eypression for “to waste money”.
by Liz (Calw, Germany)
blow it about money means to spend it quickly/ waste it on things that are not really necessary
by sylvia (Poland)
use all at once
by Arthur (Campina Grande-PB, Brazil)
to spend money freely; to waste
by Peco (China)
I think “blow it” means someone spend all of the money he/she has got without any remains.
by Tracy (Hong Kong, China)
I think blow means spending without considering.
by Ivy (Malaysia)
i guess it means to spend lots of money for waste.
by yumi (Osaka, Japan)
To consume something without a considerate plan.
by PingChieh (Taipei, Taiwan)
I think “blow It” means to waste money easily
by Rommel (Quito, Ecuador)
It means to spend all the money one has; to be extravagant
by Javad (Shiraz, Iran)
Blow it” means to waste something unintentionally, for example, money.
by James Bond (Pakistan)
opposite of saving, to waste or to spend
by ferda (Istanbul, Turkey)
She means she is not going to spend her money with futile stuffs.
by Antonio (Tianguá, Brazil)
it means that she’s not going to waste all of her money, she’s going to save some.
by Selene (Turmero, Venezuela)
blow it means waste it
by DeSiDeRaTa (Elfaiha, Kuwait)
I think it means spend.
by geni (Bloomington, U.S.A)
It means use it up.
by Joyce (JH, China)
my guess would be: “finish it all in one sweep with nothing else left but dust…”
by Shazrina (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
it means to fail, like when you have an opportunity to achieve what you want, and then you do somethin that really blow it!
by Farah (Mishref, Kuwait)
I reckon to blow somethin’ is to destroy an opportunity; fail.
by Leyda (Heredia, Costa Rica)
ruin it….
by Jodie (Taipei, Taiwan)

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