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one day one story

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November 10, 2008

Blow up ;Blow out 


Blow up:1.bomb,blast; 2. lose one’s temper,get angry;3,pump(for the car’s tires);4;develop the film.

1etreating German army tried to blow up all the bridges on the Rhine River to stop the Allied troops from crossing into Germany."


2I really blew up when I learned that my girlfriend was going out with another man."


3"I have to stop at the gas station to blow up my front tires."


4"I 'd like 8 by 10 blow ups of these negatives, please.

 Blow out:1;flash tires;extinguish the fire; melt;a big party  


5"My car smashed into a tree when I had a blow-out."


6"You'd better blow out that candle before it sets fire to the tablecloth."


7"All the lights went off in the building and the elevators stopped when the master fuse blew out."


8"When the Lees celebrated their 25th anniversary, they invited all their friends to a big blow-out at the best hotel in town."


More entries: VOA bilingual news, if i were a boy(Beyonce knowles), to twist sb's arm;to charge someone on an arm and a leg, news, bilingual news, to shake a leg;to pull one's leg (1), bilingual news, up in arms;keep sb.at arm's length;with open arms;nerd (1), bilingual news, to bail out,nosedive

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07:48 AM Nov 10 2008


Iran, Islamic Republic Of

I read it three times. Thanks alot