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Learn the Second Conditional

Date: Oct 24 2011

Themes: Health

Grammar: Second Conditional


1. Learn Vocabulary - Learn some new vocabulary before you start the lesson.

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2. Read and Prepare - Read the introduction and prepare to hear the audio.

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If we really thought about how many germs we come into contact with throughout a normal day, we might not want to leave home again. Ever. From riding the bus to shaking hands to exchanging money, there are many ways we come into contact with other people. And if they’re sick, we might get sick, too.

This simple idea is the starting point of a frightening new movie, Contagion. The disaster flick is about a deadly virus that spreads so fast, it seems to be unstoppable. Find out why Marni can’t wait to see the film, and Mason plans to avoid it like the plague.



1. Listen and Read - Listen to the audio and read the dialog at the same time.

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2. Study - Read the dialog again to see how the vocab words are used.





Mason:  I keep hearing stuff about this movie, Contagion.

Marni:  Oh, Contagion, I can’t wait to go see it.

Mason:  Really?

Marni:  I love that sort of apocalyptic...I love films like that.

Mason:  I mean, to me, that one hits a little too close to home. Because I can deal with, like, The Day After Tomorrow where huge earthquakes happen and tidal waves and stuff. But a disease that happens too fast for us to solve it? That feels like it will actually happen, and I’m kind of freaked out about it.

Marni:  I guess I can see your apprehension, but that sort of thing, it intrigues me so much. And it looks like it’s really well done, I mean the cast is incredible. So I think that’s what really draws you in.

Mason:  Sure, you’re like, these people wouldn’t have signed on if it wasn’t worth doing.

Marni:  A quality film. But I do understand that reservation, because it is kind of scary. This is something that really, possibly could happen. But we would hope that everyone who’s in charge of sort of controlling pandemics would be able to keep up on it.

Mason:  But isn’t that part of the thing, like don’t they show people in there and like how utterly kinda helpless they are in the face of these situations?

Marni:  Yeah.

Mason:  That’s grim stuff, you know? Zombies….throw some zombies in there. If it was a zombie virus, that would be just enough fantasy and I would be, alright, cool, I can see this movie.


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Marni is excited to see the new movie Contagion. But Mason doesn’t want to see it. He thinks the movie, which is about a deadly disease that spreads very quickly, sounds too scary. He thinks something like that could really happen.

Contagion has a great cast and a really interesting story, Marni says. She thinks the fact that it is realistic makes it a more interesting film, even though it might be frightening to watch. But Mason only likes to watch apocalyptic movies if they involve unrealistic dangers like zombies.

Do you like to watch movies about disasters that could really happen, or do you find them too scary? What can we do to prevent a deadly disease from spreading like in the movie?



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Maria del Alba


I don’t really like apocalyptic movies, especially if they are sci-fi. I’d prefer comedies or films that make you happier not worried. The only good thing I can point out of this sort of films is that they sometimes make you overthink about how we treat the planet and people, so we have to live concerned about the present.

Related to how to avoid spreading a deadly disease, if you ask me I’d say there is no way if destiny interferes in it.

10:52 AM Oct 24 2011 |

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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

no i don’t like that kind of movie, better to have doctor programs Cool

06:43 AM Oct 24 2011 |



United States

I prefer not to see movies like this :). I believe that we can prevent such an occurrence by creating a pandemic of joy and happiness in the world.

03:05 AM Oct 24 2011 |

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the daily problem

12:48 AM Oct 24 2011 |




We are not prepared to cope with a deadly germ. I remember  the recent influenza virus , people went crazy, wearing mask , washing their hands  with alcohol , interesting that after all the  frenzy  sorrounding the spread  of this disease ,nobody is talking about it, and the pharmaceuticals lab  made a fortune selling fear and a vaccine  that was useless.

12:08 PM Oct 21 2011 |

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