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Marni's World

View all entries from Marni's World >


United States

February 20, 2012


Wow, I just had a three-day weekend thanks to the President’s Day holiday, which is really just a chance for stores to have a one-day sale.  Seriously, it is one of the least memorable holidays.  Anyway, I had such lofty plans for my weekend and yet all I did all weekend, besides laundry, was watch really bad movies.


I didn’t go out and see anyone. I didn't go out at all.  I just stayed home with three dogs and a Netflix cue that could have belonged to a thirteen-year-old boy.  I am a little too embarrassed to actually list the movies that I watched, but let’s just say I wish I could rewind all three nights and get the six plus hours back that I wasted per movie. 


I feel a bit pathetic as I head back into my work week that my huge to-do list is still starring at me with nary an item being accomplished.  I keep thinking about all of the things I could have done with my six hours had I not watched those movies.  I could have practiced my Spanish, (I’m trying to learn), read, cleaned the house, practiced my drums, tried a new recipe, done yoga, or simply have watched any of the many documentaries that are on my must watch list.  Any of those options would have been a much better use of my time than the one I opted for.  Alas, I cannot change what has been done; I can only make better choices next weekend.

More entries: Yet Another Athlete in the Headlines (5), Major Life Change (4), Oh a Camping I will Go! (7), Be Careful What You Say When It Comes to That Special Day (12), A Weekend Wasted!! (8), A New Year, A Not So New Me (5), Thoughts on the "Occupy" Movement (7), Heartbreak and Forgiveness (3), Advice on Your Wedding Day (5), The Death of Osama Bin Laden (3)

View all entries from Marni's World >

06:55 AM Apr 02 2012

The Last Joke

Theres  In Ebaby writting a lesson for Today, And Theres Nothing I Can Tell Her To Make Her Feel Alright


If I had a box of wishes come true, the box would be empty besides the picture of  Marni.


Teacher :

Have A Beautiful Day !

02:50 AM Feb 27 2012



Baset :


1-Stay away from chewing Qat.

2- Take a walk instead of smoking a cigarette.

3- Avoid people who are smoking. If possible,

4- stay away from situations that trouble you .

02:41 PM Feb 26 2012

The Last Joke

Joy It is not easy to stop smoking. And people never can completely control their own health. But as Joy is advising her  friend ( Baset ),I'll do all my best to stop smoking & to control of my life. it's promise ! you have my word !

02:15 PM Feb 26 2012



Baset :

Most people know that smoking causes lung cancer.

I do hope if you stop smoking !!!

11:08 AM Feb 26 2012

The Last Joke

Dear Joy : there was no chance to tell you !!!!!!

10:37 AM Feb 26 2012



Baset :

Why u didn't tell me this before ???????????????

 i like arab's sitting rooms !!!!!!!

02:22 PM Feb 23 2012

The Last Joke

Teacher :

Sorry ! i forgot to tell you ! i always wasted my time with Chewing Qat


Qat is not drugs but a social custom to the Yemeni.



Chewing of qat is a purely social . chewing Qat  starts after lunch, the main meal of the day. Qat chewing mostly occurs in private homes( in arab's sitting rooms )


, with all in attendance bringing their own qat. Merchants chew qat in their shops or stalls, drivers and their passengers in their cars, and afternoon workers at their job sites. , men often chain-smoke cigarettes.


Chewing Qat will  last at least five hours in arab' sitting rooms

.  chewing people force new people to participate in qat chews. If they do not chewing, they will be labeled as social outcasts.




Qat makes you active ...makes you awake ... you speaking a lot ... You living in another world far from reality


01:43 PM Feb 23 2012

The Last Joke


Regret for a wasted weekend is more wasted time.

Because :

Nothing is as far away as one minute ago.

Teacher :


Any time not spent in reading Marni's blog is wasted.

Teacher :

Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely.


Have a Great
